Gregory Pelagonia (the second half of ⅹⅴⅰ c.) – Bishop of Prilep and Pelagonia, author of Macedonia. Translation of the Proceedings “Treasure” by Damascene Study. The name figures in the title of two Slovak, for the Sundays of the mitar and the Pharisee and for the prodigal son. It is also mentioned in an inscription in the altar between the apse and the deaconicon of the Church of the Treskavec Monastery, with the text that some Stojan Krantev with his wife gave to decorate the altar in 1570. during the EP. Gregory. From the clarification of some cramp. Words (eg: PHONEROTIS NISH / E EZHEKOM HEPTER), it is seen that Church. J. considered it its own. The language of the EP. D. The base is the church. From a Serbian newsroom, which in ⅹⅴⅰ c. He was common to all right. Slavs in the Balkans. But numerous Western players are allowed in it. Callier (c. TRANISH DAMASKIN). “Stormwall” is considered as a basis for penetration of the Damascian literature written in the national language. The translation was carried out in the period between 1570 and 1580. Based on one of the first three Venetian editions (1557-1562). He translated him to the current Church Slavic language, with admirations from the Western Macedonian Prilep-Bitolski folk speech. In the Paleoslavivistic, 7 prescriptions of his Slavic translation were identified, dated from the end of ⅹⅴⅰ and from ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c., And among the oldest of them and the most severe is “Tranish Damaskin” from the end of ⅹⅴⅰ c., Found from Akad. Petar Ilievski in the Black Monastery of Kicevo and is kept at the Institute of Macedonian Language “K. P. Misirkov “in Skopje (SIGN. M-1). Lit.: P. Ilievski, for the Macedonian translation of the Damaspin, “Macedonian language”, 1-2, Skopje, 1960/61; Gregory Pelagonia as a broader from Greek, “Annual Proceedings of the Faculty of Philosophy”, Jesji, Skopje, 1971; P. Ilievski, Trannik Damaskin, Skopje, 1972; R. Ugrikova-Skalovska, Damascus. Macedonian translations from 16 to 19 century, Skopje, 1975. P. HR. Il.; I. Well. Viktor Gregovich
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet