Damascene Study (Thessaloniki, ⅹⅴⅰ -?, 1577) – Thessaloniki Metropolitan, preacher and literary Dean, one of the beginners of the Enlightenment. The enlightenment ideas expressed them in the preface to his most famous “Treaskobist” (Venice, 1558), which from the period between 1560 and 1580. It was translated into Macedonian folk speech from Bishop Pelagonia and Prilep Gregory (first translation of Slavic language). Lit.: R. Ugrikova-Skalovska, Damascus. Macedonian translations from 16 to 19 century, Skopje, 1975; P. HR. Ilievski, Trannik Damaskin, Skopje, 1972; Vera Stojcevska-Antic, a history of Macedonian literature. Medieval Literature, Skopje, 1997; P. A. Lavrov, Damaskin Study and Dragniki Ego Imen “Damaskints” c nuzlav / Rzyi licenses, Pedesse, 1899. I. Well. PAGE FROM TRADE DAMASKIN
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДАМАСКИН СТУДИТ