Gorgiev, Tane Stojcev

Gjorgjiev, Tane Stojcev (Soljova, Atesh-Pasha) (village Banica, Lerin,? – Florin, 31. ⅻ 1909) – National Dice and legendary Lerinski Duke of TMORO / VMORO. In the young years he was a migrant in Constantinople. After returning to his native village (1902), he became a member of a TMORO’s shock group, and then the Komit and Secretary of the Duke of Duke Kljanjo. At the time of the Ilinden Uprising (1903) was the Duke of the Lerin Revolutionary District in the rebellion of PL. Kajmakchalan and participated in several struggles (in Beljoka, on Pl. Kajmakcalan, in Oasi, Popadia, the Chest Mountains, etc. Places). He continued to act as a Lerin Duke and after the suppression of the uprising. He was an exasperated enemy of Greek Andcycytes and the supreme. He participated in the struggle of the associated troops with the Duke Paul Rudge and Naco Rousel (about 300 comments) against the Ottoman army in the village. Hervevi for catching Lerin Komakam arrived in the village (autumn, Petkovna 1904). In addition, the Ottoman forces had 40 dead, and the Komiti was only one wounded, but the crimical did not catch it. Therefore, they repeated the action in the same week, this time in Lerin, when they captured him, asking him to sign that Lerin is comical, and after signing, they killed him. In the winter of 1904 He arrived J. Popristov with a letter from Hristo Matov for his appointment to the Duke in the Lerin Revolutionary District, but was rejected by the words: “Tell that traitor Hr. Matth stopped mixing in our Macedonian interior even time. Matov sits in Sofia and hence wants to “command. Matov betrayed Macedonia. He is a man of Sofia, not Macedonia … “Together with the friends of Petre Hristov-Germany, Dimko from the village. Dragos, Petre of the village. Unlock and Ace of the village. Banica, led struggle with the Ottoman army in the village. Management (1906). A few days before Horier, he tried negotiations to remove the Androtherm, acting on that terrain. After the unsuccessful negotiations there was a mutual armed struggle, but managed to extract the smaller numerous company. He collaborated with the young Turks and in the time of Hurriy, he entered his company in Bitola (1908). It completely opposed the formation of the Bulgarian Constitutional Club in Lerin, in which the ducho and teachers entered, and when not US-singing, as the most prominent DEP, directed their activity contrary to the founding goals – to support Supanists and the National Federal Party, for folk emergency, to combat the internal reaction, protection of the constitution regime, for democratization, equality and the inventory policy of the Balkan countries. For these reasons, the supreme were liquidated the respectable Shinazafendi, who was an associate of the VMORO, and Zuke of Duke, puncturing him that it was his work. At the rally chaired (31. 1909), he explained his political commitments with the words: “We need to work for Ottomanism, in the sense of work to grow, in order to preserve the territorial full of Macedonia, because there is our salvation. Otherwise, we will become an object for congestion from external grabbers, who are looking for the richness of our country. ” After the election of the rally, in retaliation for the God-murder of Shinazafendi, a confectionery was killed by Turkaradin Turkine. Open is in more folk songs, according to which he left a wife widow and “Painted Cept.”. Lit.: People’s songs from Aegean Macedonia. Collected Pascal Paskalevski, Skopje, 1959, 97-98; Falcon flies high. Collection of original revolutionary and lyrical folk songs from Aegean Macedonia. He collected and prepared for press Gjorgji Donevski. Melographed Zivko Firfov, Skopje, 1978, 28-29; Brale gathered (melographed folk song), “our world”, ⅹⅴⅰⅰ, 634, Skopje, 26. IX 1979, 6; Memories and biographies of Ilindens, Bitola, 1993, 15, 45, 54, 65, 67-68, 85, 100, 139, 195, 212-213, 216; Marko Kitevski, Macedonian combat folk songs. Anthology on the occasion of 60 years of ASNOM, Skopje, 2004, 241 and 328. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЃОРЃИЕВ, Тане Стојчев

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