Gemids -. Members of anarchist Gemidian circle in Thessaloniki. Were influenced by Russian and Armenian anarchists from the end of ⅹⅰⅹ c. The circle was led by Jordan Pop Yordanov-Orce (1881-1903), and Milan Arsov (1879-1908), Georgi Bogdanov (1878-1939), Todor Bogdanov, Marko Bosekov (1874-1908), Constantine Kirkov (1882- 1903), Dimitar Mechev-teddy bear (1870-1903), Aleko Minov, Todor Organziev, Vladimir Pingov (1883-1903), Ilija Pop Yorkanov, Nacho Stojanov, Ilija Truckov (1884-1903), Goce Canev, Hungarian Ana Chanet, Pavel Shatev (1882-1951) and others. They made attempts with individual actions to interest the European public about the situation in Macedonia and for their intervention for release from the Ottoman rule. They were also organizers and perpetrators of Thessaloniki assassinations (c) of the French ship “Guadalquivir”, the Ottoman bank, on the gas pipeline installation for lighting the city, the Austrian mail and the telegraph station (28. ⅳ – 1. ⅴ 1903). Lit.: Dr Krste Bitoski, Thessaloniki assassinations 1903, Skopje, 1985; John Pavlovski, Gemidians, Skopje, 1997. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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