Sarafov, Boris Petrov (village Liberation, Neuracosko, 12. 1872 – Sofia, 28. ⅺ / 11. ⅹⅰⅰ 1907) – Macedonian Revolutionary, Duke, President of the VMK and member of the Ilinden Uprising. Upon completion of elementary education in the native village and in Thessaloniki and ⅵ class in the Thessaloniki high school, it is recorded at the Military School in Sofia (1890), along with Mr. Delchev, and participates in a Socialist Group. Upon completion of the school (1893) he was sent to an officer service in Belgratchick and then in Sofia (1894). Through his Thessalonic Teacher T. Kitengev, enters the Macedonian movement, collects and trains the company and in the supreme uprising attacks the city of Melnik (12. 1895). Enroll as an Associate Student of the General Staff Military Academy in S.-Petersburg (September 1895), but after 4 months he returns to Sofia. After the death of Kiteenchev, a cleavage in the Supreme Macedonian Committee, with the support of F. Petrov and Mr. Delchev, at the Macedonian emigration in Sofia (1. 1899) is elected president of the VMK. With its adventurous spirit and patriotic enthusiasm it develops a broad internal and external activity that is not in line with the policy of Proders Ferdinand. Together with all members of the Supreme Committee, he was arrested (24. ⅲ 1901), and then the court is released. He often travels in Europe and Russia, with his support, the newspapers of S. Radev in Geneva (“L’Effort”) and in Paris (“Le Muvev matsidonen”); It helps the Macedonian club in Belgrade, and then the Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in S.-Petersburg. The whole European press conveys his statement (1902): “We Macedonians are not Serbs, we are Bulgarians, Ami Quote from Statement of B. Sarafov (1902) Simple Macedonians. The Macedonian people exist independently of the Bulgarian and Serbian. We also sympathize both of others, both Bulgarians and Serbs; Who will help our liberation, we will tell him thanks, but Serbs and Bulgarians do not forget that Macedonia is only for the Macedonians. ” Text later became the motto and all editions of the Macedonian colony in Petrograd. He also helps Thessaloniki Gemids. On ⅷ Congress of the Macedonian-Drain Organization in Sofia at the head of the VMK, Bulgarians are set. Mihajlovski and gene. Iv. Tsoncev and the struggle between the “Verkomists” and “centralists” is sharp. The current of “Sarafists” is also. In January 1903 S. He enters with the company in Macedonia and the Smilevian Congress (9-7. ⅴ 1903) He was elected one of the three equal members of the main headquarters of the electoral uprising. After the Ilinden uprising acts in the Bitola Revolutionary District. At the Rila Congress (1905) is accused of abuses and sending “Sarafia troops”, but was amnestied. In the VMORE occur (“Levi” and “right”). B. Sarafov and Iv. Garvanov are border representatives. Convicted by the Russian Revolutionary District, they are killed in Sofia. Not.: Memories of Damyaní Gruev, Borisí Sarafov and Ivaní Garvanov, Sofia, 1927. Lit.: J., Makedonically Congressa, “Voice of Serbia”, ⅲ, 72, Belgrade, 4. ⅷ 1902. 1; Head thinks Boris Sarafov (Talk Yovenja Pleasola Stampe, SA in-Om, Macedonia, “stamp”, ⅱ, 312, Belgrade, 30. ⅺ 1903, 1; Turkey, “S.-Petersburg , S.-Petersburg, 21. ⅷ (2. ⅸ) 1902, 3; Conversation SA Sarafoven, “Traffic”, ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ, 269, Belgrade, 4. ⅹⅰⅰ 1903, 1; Blaze Ristovski, Krste. P. Misirkov (1874 & 1926 ). Attachment …, Skopje, 1966, 304 & 307 and 530 & 535; the same, Dimitrija Cupovski (1878 & 1940) and Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in Petrograd, and Skopje, 1978, 212 & 213. BL. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис САРАФОВ, Борис Петров