Fit, Taki

Fiti, Taki (Krushevo, 7. ⅺ 1950) – Economist, UNIV. Professor, socialist, statesman, academician. Primary and secondary education ended in Krushevo. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Skopje (1973), where he was a Master’s degree (1980) and PhD (1983) on topics in the field of economic development of developing countries. He was elected as an assistant at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje on the subject of political economy of capitalism (1974) for assistant (1983), for extraordinary (1988) and a full professor (1993). The regular studies teaches the subjects of fundamentals of economics and entrepreneurship. The postgraduate studies teaches: international economics, small business management, public sector economics, social policy and labor market, contemporary macroeconomic concepts and policies, etc. Head of the Postgraduate Study “Economic Development and International Finance”. He was chairman of the EF Council, head of the Department of Economics, President of the Commission for Self-evaluation of EF in Skopje. He was elected a regular member of MANU (2003) and secretary of the Department of Social Sciences of MANU. He performed responsible expert, social and state functions: a member of the working group for the preparation of the economic part of the new Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia; Chairman of the Management Board of the Agency of the Republic of Macedonia for transformation of enterprises with social capital (1994-1996); President of the Association of Economists of Macedonia (1992-1999); Coordinator of the working group of the Republic of Macedonia for succession of the property of the former Federation, Secretariates and Agencies and its representative in the work of the EU Commission in Brussels; Minister of Finance in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (1996-1998) and Governor in the World and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the same period; MP in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia (2001-2002); Article of the advisory team of the President of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (2005-2006), and since 2005. And the Governor of the Governor of the NBM. He is the author of more than 200 scientific and professional papers published in the country and abroad, of which 20 are books and textbooks, 25 projects (national and international) and 75 articles. In contemporary microeconomics, his scientific contribution is specifically located in the research of the new theoretical breakthroughs in the so-called. Domains on market failure and in this context in the new thinking of the economic functions of the state – regulation, deregulation and entrepreneurial restructuring of modern economies. In the domain of contemporary macroeconomics, Taki Fiti: “economy” focused mainly in the research of new macroeconomic concepts related to the prevailing macroeconomic paradigms (new classics and new Keynesians) and their implications for the nature and character of stabilization macroeconomic policies. With its engagement and achieved results, it gave a dragus contribution to the transfer of the latest knowledge of the standard economic science and the development of the Macedonian economic thought; contributed to building a new economic system, macroeconomic policy and functional market economy in our country; He dynamized the MANU activity in the domain of economic research; It was affirmed as one of the successful and leading Macedonian economists from the middle generation. BIB.: Significant books and textbooks: Transnational companies and capital exports, Skopje 1989; Modern market economies, Skopje, 1991; Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Management (co-author), Skopje 1994; Economics – Microeconomic approach (editor and author), Skopje, 1997; Economics – Macroeconomic approach (editor and author), Skopje, 1998; Nobelencies in Economics (editor and author), Skopje, 2000; Modern macroeconomic concepts and economic policies, Skopje, 2001; Entrepreneurship (co-author), Skopje, (and Branch. 1999, ⅱ RED. 2007); Smalle Enterprise Development In Soutoh East Europe, Police Fort Sustinel Gronyh (Edd Bartlette, M. Bateemann and M. Večec) CO-Outchor, Kluse Acadeemitz Publishers, Boston (Dordenhat) London, 2002; Macroeconomics, Skopje, 2003; Basics of microeconomics, Skopje, 2004; Economics – Fundamentals of the Economics, Skopje, 2006; Significant projects: Restructuring Yugoslavske Private Putem Ulas Novah Malch and Association Pre-Preventes, Coordinator for Macedonia, Belgrade, 1987; Proscutes Fort Smalle Bussineis Development Inth the Republic of Macedonia National Strategy for the Economic Development of the Republic of Macedonia (head and co-author of the section: “Global Guidelines for Economic Development”), MANU, Skopje, 1997; Blue Ribbon Tsmision Report (MACEDONIA), Tonyds (MACEDONI) TPHAK OF INTERALLATIONALIZATION AND INTEGRATION In integration in plae Europe OP Regions, Nitra-Buttharest (2006-2007). I not .: Newsletters at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “- Skopje; Newsletter of the 14th Electoral Assembly of MANU, Skopje, 2003. M. S.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ФИТИ, Таки

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