The economic development of Macedonia in the ⅹⅰⅹ century. The transition from ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ in ⅹⅰⅹ c. In Macedonia, which at its natural-historical and ethnic borders was in the composition of the Othtoman-Turkish Empire, characterized in more noticeable clarification of patriarchal-natural forms of management and by penetrating the commodity-monetary forms of social production. In agriculture, in place of the Timaro-Spahi system, which consisted in the granting of large land properties (levens) of the spaki in exchange for the conduct of a military service, the chifles, representing large-scale economies of semi-channel type, S “more than-first power plant in Kumanovo (1926) The new agrarian production operations of the department and financial economy will be broken. The new capitalist production and social relations, “they were planned in the city economy of Macedonia. The craftsmanship dropped before the spread of the industry, which led to the proletarization of craftsmen, while the guild organization with its structure deviated before the new forms of organization of the economic and social life. The fairs, which until then, were exercised, were replaced by the new and more modern types of trade. At the same time, with the increase in the foreign trade and the spread of the internal market, the modernization of the traffic was launched, the patterned network was spread and the first railway line in Macedonia (1873) on the Thessaloniki – Skopje relation was launched. The obsolete forms of lending, such as the guild crates, deviated the place of new and modern banks and credit joint stock companies, whose establishment required the new and amended economic and social conditions of life and development. The development of the industry was marked by raising industrial enterprises, primarily on food and textile industry, and with the dominant participation of foreign capital from European countries. Lit.: Akad. Danco Zografski, the development of capitalist elements in Macedonia during Turkish governance, “Culture”, Skopje, 1980; Dr. Boris Arsov, Economic Life Main Agent, MANU, Skopje, 2000. R. H.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet