Dorev, Pancho Todorov (Deal, Lerin, 25. 1878 – Sofia, 28. ⅻ 1938) – A lawyer, politician and historian – First Macedonian Osmanist. He graduated from a gymnasium in Bitola and the Faculty of Law in Constantinople, and then a lawyer (1903) and a gymnasium professor (1903/1904) in Bitola, where he mediated between TMORO and the diplomatic corps in the city. Then specialized in Vienna (1904-1907). Candied by the Union of Bulgarian Constitutional Clubs in Macedonia, was elected MP from Bitola Vilaya in the Turkish parliament (1908-1912). It was opposed to the renewed manner of VMRO of Todor Aleksandrov. He was a worldly adviser to the Bulgarian Exarchy (1909-1911) and published it in. “Light” (Thessaloniki, 1912). He was then in Bulgarian diplomatic service in Constantinople (1912-1914), Budapest (1914- 1916), London (1921), Vienna, Alexandria (1922-1923) and in Prague (1932-1934). BIB.: Hungaria. Madmins in Political, Cultural and Economics, Sofia, 1917; Lunning policy and reasons of our disasters, Sophage, 1924; Investion policy, our and worldly problems, Sophage, 1926; Public struggles in Macedonia, Bulgarian in Bitola (according to documents from Turkish archives), “Macedonian Review”, but 1-4, Sophie®, 1936, 1-18; Kostur Central Revolutions®, Sophie®, 1937; Documents of Turkish archives (1564-1872), and-ⅱ, Sophage, 1940 and 1942. S. Ml. Kiril Dorevski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДОРЕВ, Панчо Тодоров