Doddov, Stefan Jakimov (Ohrid, 28. H 1869 – Sofia, 19. IX 1914) – Organizer of the Macedonian Club with a readist in Belgrade and the owner of the newspaper “Balkan Messenger” (1902), which first proclaims the Macedonian literary Language with phonetic spelling, and after the prohibition of the club and the abolition of the newspaper, along with D. T. Mishajkov, with a recommendation from the Russian ambassador, go to S.-Petersburg and become members-founders of MNVD (28. 1902) and signatories of the first Macedonian complete and complex national liberation program in the form of a memorandum to the Russian government and the Council of the SPBBB in STB (12. XI 1902). It is educated in Ohrid and Teachers in Macedonia, then works as a telegraphic-postal official in Berkovitsa and Ruse (Bulgaria), studied at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade (1898-1902) in order to “make it” serve their homeland and its interests ” . It organizes Macedonian immigrants and migrant workers in special Macedonian associations, forms the Macedonian club and D. T. Mishajkov is issued in. “Balkan messenger”, in which the program foundations of the “New” Macedonian National Movement were exposed: Macedonians as a separate Slavic nation, the Macedonian as a separate literary language with phonetic spelling, the Ohrid Archbishopric, as the Macedonian National Church, and Macedonia, as an autonomous or independent Balkan state, or, as an equal unit of the Balkan Federation or Confederation. When the Macedonian club prepared a memorandum of Macedonia to the great powers, the organizers were fiercely attacked by the press and exile from Serbia. Department and Mishajkov initiate the formation of MNVD (in cooperation with K. Misirkov, D. Cupovski and other Macedonian students in S.-Petersburg) and after meetings with the high political circles of Russia, they submit the historic memorandum of comradeship to the Russian government and to the C .-The Petersburg Slavic Society. Then D. He leaves in Sofia to act in the Macedonian revolutionary emigration, and soon Mishajkov returns to Bitola (1903) to prepare soil for opening Macedonian schools, directly opposite Ilinden events. In Sofia D. It begins to issue the unofficial body of MNLD c. “The Balkans” (in Bulgarian language with units and Russian), in which it also published part of the program of comradeship. After the Ilinden uprising, it issues its third organ of the “new movement” c. “Courier” (1904). Surely helps the printing of the book “For the Macedonian Works” from K. Misirkov (1903), and with E. Impairment prepares for issuing a newspaper “Autonomous Macedonia”. Cooperates in “Balkan Courier” (1905), “Dayï” and other Sofia newspapers (most often under the pseudonym hill or R.). When the First World War begins, under the overtest that it is close to the already introduced Serbia, D. He was killed in Sofia (from the associate of T. Aleksandrov Slave Ivanov). Lit.: Dr. Blaze Ristovski, Krste P. Misirkov (1874-1926). Attachment to the study of the development of Macedonian national thought, Skopje, 1966, 61-811; – Dimitrija Cupovski (1878- 1940) and Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in Petrograd, and 1978, 172-177. Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДЕДОВ, Стефан Јакимов