
Devrica – a medieval fortress in northwestern Pelagonia, over today’s village Debreste, in the locality Dressele (Local. Kale, where there are remnants of walls and ceramics). He controlled the road that served through Barbaros. It is mentioned in the first Charter of Vasily ⅱ (1019) as Depred. J. Cantakuis announces that Chan-Roth Andronicus won from the SR-BY (1330). Lit.: Ioannis State Eyimperatoris Historiarum, Libri ⅳ. Ed. L. Scahopop, T. And, Bona, 1828; K. Adzievski, Pelagonia in the Middle Ages (from the arrival of the Slavs to the Fortress Devrisa fall under Turkish rule), Skopje, 1994. B. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДЕВРИЦА

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