Children refugees

Children refugees (1948) – With the agreement between the interim democratic government of Greece and Eastern European countries (March-April 1948) 28,000 Macedonian and Greek children were evacuated (aged 1 to 15 years) in Yugoslavia 11,000, Romania 5,000, Czechoslovakia 3,000, Poland 2,500, Hungary 2,800, Bulgaria 2,500 and East Germany 1,120 children. In those countries for the needs of 10,000 Macedonian children were opened Macedonian schools (with textbooks and literature) and received broader knowledge about Macedonian history. Newspapers in Macedonian language were also published. On the Kostur-Lerin dialect and the Cyrillic alphabet were published books and novels. As adults and educated, most of them returned to the SRM. By evacuating the children, the CPG wanted to create, provide and educate staff for the proletarian revolution in Greece. Lit.: Stoyan Acisovski, ethnic changes in Macedonia (1913-1995), Skopje, 2000; R. Kiryazovski, the National Liberation Front and other organizations of the Macedonians from Aegean Macedonia (1945-1949), Skopje, 1985. St. KIS.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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