Corubin, Blagoja.

Korubin, Blagoja (Prilep, 1. ⅲ 1921 – Skopje, 17. 1995) – National Dice, Power, Philologist and Translator (from Serbian, Russian and French), Researcher, Researcher and Head of Department for Modern Macedonian Language at the Institute For Macedonian language “Krste Misirkov” in Skopje. Elementary school and high school finished in Prilep. As a member of the literary section in the gymnasium, he also wrote the first prose composition of Serbian language “life in Prilence and environments” (1937/1938). He was a member of an educational group for candidates for the SCAY, which Borka Taleski held lectures on the Macedonian national issue. After the training became members of the SCOY (1938/1939), and after graduation and members of the CPY (June 1940). Soon he was elected as a member of the IMC to ALITE in Prilep, who often organized youth outings with a cultural and political program, for which composing music-poetic humorous-satirical songs (“sparrows”). He became a prominent national communist activist and organizer. The ICO’s local committee, which was organized, organized the Ilinden demonstration in Prilep (1940). Then he went on studies at the Pedagogical Group of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1940/1941). Here he formed a Macedonian group of 15-18 members of the CPY and the SCAY, and in the student dorm, he lived was one of the editors of the wall newspaper, where he published his own political articles and an affirmative article on the Macedonian language from the zero climow. With the later prof. Dr. Pance Kirovski translated from French in Macedonian language The publication “The issues of Leninism” by J. C. Stalin. At the same time, he managed the Skopje Group in the secondary technical school in Skopje, and he was in charge of expert assistance and party cell in the papathodos workshop and the cell of the sewer workers. When an attempt was made to re-issue the newspaper “Our Word” (January or February 1941), entered the editorial board together with Dejan Aleksic and Anton Kolenjic and wrote an introductory article for the first number. After the signing of the accession of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to the Covenant (25. ⅲ 1941), the evening of March 26, Skopje students went to Skopje Corso with slogans against the pact and the war. After the speeches of A. Kolendic and Philinem Mihailova, at the request of the protesters, he spoke in Macedonian, causing it to be saved by running from regime agents. After the fascist occupation, he became a fighter in the first Prilep National Liberation Partisan Department “Goce Delcev” and participated in the first rebound action on the day of the uprising of the Macedonian people (11. ⅹ 1941). Soon afterwards he was arrested and sentenced, so the entire period of NOB spent in Skopje Prison (14. ⅹ 1941 – May 1943 and June 1943 – September 1944) and in Haskovo prison (May-June 1943). Here he wrote the preserved “Song of Skopje Prisoners” (late 1941). In the room in which about 60 prisoners from Macedonia and southern Serbia were accommodated, the then secretary of the PC of CPY for Macedonia Lazar Kolisevski formed a prison party leadership, in which B was B. Corubin as responsible for the organization of cultural and entertainment life. For the purposes of the performances they organized, he wrote other songs, “sparrows” and played drama texts in prose and in verses. After the liberation, for some time, he worked in Prilep, and then in Skopje as a language editor in the publishing company “Culture” (1946) and at the Institute for Health Education of the SRM as Head of the Press Department (1946-1953). At one contest, he won the first prize for the short story “The first exits” (1947). In the meantime, continued studies at the Faculty of Philosophy (group for Macedonian language) in Skopje (1947/1948) and was repressed after the resolution of the Informbiro (1948), and after graduation (1952) he crossed work as an assistant in the Institute’s Language Department of the Institute for Folklore (in January 1953), after two months of independent as the Institute of Macedonian Language, where, as head of the Modern Language Department (1965-1986), he went to Pension (1986). He was a long-standing president of the Society of Literary Translators of Macedonia (1959-1966) and the Union of Macedonian Language Companies of Macedonia. He is the author of expert and scientific books, many articles, memories, prose compositions, four-cheating and other articles. He was especially dedicated to the research of the practice of the Macedonian language and for several decades, regulated the section “Language Corner” on the daily newspaperNova Makedonija” and was a longtime editor of the magazine “Macedonian Language” and “literary word”. Sources: Blagoja Korubin, memories, Aini, Skopje, 7. ⅶ 1976, the interview was conducted by Simo Mladenovski. BIB.: The language of Krste P. Misirkov, Skopje, 1956; Vocabulary of the Macedonian language with SerbKochratal interpretations, Tom and-ⅲ, Skopje, 1961, 1965 and 1966 (with co-authors, and under the editorial of Blaze Koneski); Krste P. Misirkov (1874-1926), Skopje, 1966; The language of today, book 1-6, Skopje, 1969, 1976, 1980, 1986, 2000 and 2001; The idea of ​​forming the Macedonian language and the CPY, the “messenger” of Ini, ⅹⅳ, 2-3, Skopje, 1970, 5-24; Nationality, national awareness and language with reference to Macedonian nationality and Macedonian literary language, Skopje, 197; Marto demonstrations in Skopje in 1941, “Nova Makedonija”, Juji, 8683-8685, Skopje, 25-27. Ⅲ 1971; Stellar Mig of Skopje, “Vecer”, 2430, Skopje, 26. ⅲ 1971, 15; Macedonian students at the Skopje Faculty in the school year 1940-41, Skopje in New 1941, Skopje, 1973, 57-62; Marto demonstrations in Skopje 1941. Discussion, Skopje in New 1941, Skopje, 1973, 401-403; Syntax-generative vocabulary of Macedonian verbs, Skopje, 1979 (probe conscious); Marto demonstrations in Skopje in 1941, Skopje in the Liberation War and Revolution 1941-1945, Tom and, Rh. First, Skopje, 1984, 128-133; Macedonian students at the Skopje Faculty in the school year 19401941, in the same place, 134-139; Moments of party life in Varos. Before October: Eleventh October: the red walls and the attack of Prilep, Prilep and Prilep in New 1944-15 May 1945, ⅲ, Skopje, 1985, 447-456; Something about the emotional features and ideally and the political motivations of the March demonstrations in 1941 in Macedonia, March 1941 in Macedonia with a special emphasis on Skopje, Skopje, 1985, 114-118; March demonstrations in Skopje in 1941, Skopje in the Liberation War and Revolution 1941-1945, Tom and, book first, Skopje, 1984, 128-133; Macedonian students at the Skopje Faculty in the academic year 1940-1945, the same. place, 134-139; Of Macedonian grammar themes, Skopje, 1990; Insententially Dictionary of Macedonian verbs, 6, Skopje, 1992-2001 (with co-author); Macedonian historio-sociolinguist themes, Skopje, 1994. Lit.: Study day dedicated to Blagoja Korubin, Skopje, 1998; Fifty Years Institute of Macedonian Language “Krste Misirkov 1953-2003, Skopje, 2003, 99-103; Blaze Ristovski, Macedonian verse 1900-1944, Skopje, 1980, 196-202. S. Ml. John Corubin.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОРУБИН, Благоја

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