
Trade – One of the most significant service sectors, whose development is most directly conditioned by the general development of the economy and the development of the absorption power of markets (population number and the size of income), as well as transport and communications. Trade in Macedonia was on a good voice in the Middle Ages, so S “to ⅹⅴⅰⅰ century. Among the two wars she was the third in the importance of the economic sector. After the Second World War, the development of trade was followed by the general economic development of the country. However, the trade was most widely developed in the period 1953-1979, in the 1980s to manifest negative motion rates. In wholesale, 1955, 3,061 persons worked, and 1984. 11.256 Persons. In the same period, the supply of wholesale trade increased from 338 to 252,598 million dinars (according to current prices). The retail trade also has a strong increase – the turnover between 1952 and 1984 grew by 9 times (at prices since 1980). In Macedonia, 1983, there were 7,780 classical shops, 184 department stores and 565 grocery stores. In the structure of turnover in 1984. Food products, textiles and liquid fuels had the largest share. After the independence of the country came to the collapse of a part of the large commercial enterprises, which existed almost in all municipalities (inter alia, under the influence of unfair competition from the gray economy), to their division of smaller units and their fast privatization. With the opening of the process of spontaneous entrepreneurship, until 1993. More than 58,000 small and medium enterprises (ICJ) were formed, of which 67% were in the trade sector. Later, the share of commercial enterprises in the total number of enterprises relatively reduced – at 54%, 1999, and 49%, 2004. At the end of 2004 In the country, in the wholesale and retail sector, there were 24,486 small, 112 medium and 8 large enterprises. More recently, modernization of trade in Macedonia has been built, modern shopping centers, especially in Skopje, but also in other major cities, modern shops and grocery stores (including those with foreign capital – Vero, Ramstore), have been The first innovative forms of sale (direct television sales, etc.). In a global scale, with the development of information-communication technologies and especially the Internet, the role of the so-called. E – commerce. She is in his nascent in Macedonia. On the other hand, the rapid development of Internet users (the growth rate of Internet users in the period 2000-2007 in Macedonia is 1.209%), points to the conclusion that in the future and Macedonian firms S “more will use this form of Trading in the internal and external exchange of goods and services. In the sectoral distribution of employment for 2002, trade participated with close 14%, and already 2005. with about 13% in the formation of GDP on Earth. IM: Republic Institute for Statistics, the development of SR Macedonia 1945-1984, Skopje, 1986, 87-89; Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Macedonia, Newsletters no. 9-10 / 2004 and Sept. / Out, 2006; //HTTP / Reply. InterethnenjoroldtS.Com/ Stayes.HTM//. Lit.: N. Uzunov, the economy of the Republic of Macedonia 1945-1990, MANU, Skopje 2001; National Strategy for the Economic Development of the Republic of Macedonia, MANU, Skopje 1997. T. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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