Chuchkov, Mane (Emanuill) Christov (Novo Selo, Stip, 14/27. Ⅺ 1901 – Skopje, 1. ⅸ 1967) – Macedonian statesman, UNIV. Professor, socio-political and cultural-national Dean. It ends the primary education in Stip, the gymnasium in Stip and Skopje, and higher (ethnography, anthropopogelography and physical geography) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and Skopje (1925). Out of revolutionary family, he is included as a student in “Socialist Circle” (1919), and for participation in the agitation for the elections was first detained (1921). One is from the founders of the MMTRO in Skopje (1923). The rally in Stip is closed (1924), and after the discovery of the IMTRO affair (1927) it was arrested, but due to lack of evidence is released. As early as the first office in Ohrid, the subalitial internship ends in Svilajnac (Serbia). After the passage of the professor exam in Belgrade (1929), he operates S “until 1941. As a gymnasium professor in Serbia and Bosnia: Svilajnac, Chacak, Bielina, one school year in his hometown (1935/36), in Smedereva Palanka and Kuperija and ultimately in Great Medresa in Skopje (1941). After the Bulgarian occupation, as the grandson of the Duke Chuchkov, Mane was appointed director of the gymnasium in Prilep, and then in Skopje. In the autumn of 1943 It becomes a member of anthrow, who reacts to the Manifesto of the GS of New and Paus and seeks to fight for a united Macedonia, not for the borders of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. After the exit Partizan, he was elected vice president of the Initiative Board for convening ASNOM (30. 1944), and as one of the three members of the delegation, he participates in the talks with the National Committee and Tito of the Vis for the fate of Macedonia after the war (24. ⅵ 1944). At and session of ASNOM, it reads the abstract “The People’s Democratic Authority in Macedonia” and is elected vice president of the Presidium of ASNOM (2. ⅷ 1944). In October he reaches Belgrade as a “Truster for Agriculture” on NCOY, and after the formation of the Government of Yugoslavia Ch. is “Minister of Macedonia” (7. ⅲ 1945 – late February 1946). Due to attitudes, shared and M. A. Center, represented at the government’s sessions and placed in the Yugoslav press regarding the issue of subjectivity and the greater sovereignty of Macedonia in the Federation, as well as the unification and other parts, it has been replaced and returned to Macedonia. With a group of Macedonian intellectuals, Ch. In Skopje, he is charged with the CPM of the CPM for action “contrary to the party line”, so politically degraded and appointed director of the National Library, elected MP at the National Assembly of Macedonia (1846-1950), is appointed director of the Office for the Office for Domestic artistic handicrafts “Macedonian Folklore” (1947), Associate of the newly established Institute of National History (1948), director of the State Ensemble for folk games and songs “Tanec” (1949), and some time and vice president of the senior schools. Then he becomes a freelance professor (1954) and a regular teacher in economic geography at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje (1957). It defends the previously commenced doctoral dissertation “Ovce Pole. Geographical-Commerce Study “(March 1958). He is the author of several university and high school textbooks and manuals and research in the field of history, geography, economics, folklorism, ethnography and educational in Macedonia. BIB.: Varoshadica St. Nikole of Ovce Overview Stannic and Potlja Ovche Zlja, “Luc”, and 5-6, 1938; Opium’s begging and prospects of reorientacija Private Southern Serb, “Cultural League”, 4, 1939; Zagatting Nove Turzke, “South Review”, 11-12, 1938, and 1, 1939; From Macedonia to Marshal Tito and back, “Ilinden Road”, 7-8, 1944, 39-49; Sastanak “Velika Trynjice” and terror Greek monarcho-fascist Jagajeskoy Macedonians, “20 October”, Belgru, February 1945, 3; Macedonia U struggles for democratism and federation, “Voice Jedenivanog People’s Liberation Front Srbija”, ⅳ, 24, Belgrade, 13. ⅲ 1945, 3; Slovenians and Macedonians Project Southong Slavins, “Voice Yedeovogennog People’s Liberation Front Srbija”, ⅳ, 39, 1945, 3; Macedonia and Macedonians, “Vjesnik Nationalthog Front Croassek”, V, 147, Zagreb, 10. ⅹ 1945, 1-2. Lit.: Gigo Mileski, in memory of prof. Dr. Mane Chuchkov. Life and activity, “Geographic reviews”, ⅴ Skopje, 1967, 167-171; Trajko Bossovski, the fate of the first Macedonian vice president Emanuel Chuchkov, “Nova Makedonija”, 6-8. And 1994, 19; Blaze Radovski, the activity and role of Mane Chuchkov before and after ASNOM. Attempt for monographic profiling, play for 60 years after ASNOM. Proceedings from the scientific gathering on the occasion of the sixty-year-anniversary of ASNOM held in Skopje on 15-16 December 2004, Skopje, 2005, 47-88. Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧУЧКОВ, Мане