
Burns – Nomadic tribes of Turkish origin. Inhabited by the Caspian Sea to the Danube (Wiiija c.), They fought with Kievan Russia, were rose from Byzantium (1091, 1122), which settled them in the Balkans (and in Macedonia). In ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c. They were translated with the Kumani and the Mongolo Tatars. The remains of their name in toponym were preserved. Lit.: I. In Vásárs, and Régie Belesö-Ázsia Tötte, Balassi Kydó, 2003; M. Angold, TePhyzantine Empire 1025 & 1204: A Political Hysteros, London, Nannj Strak, 1997. B. Petr. Ordan Pecureure.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕЧЕНЕЗИ

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