Dentzvin, Nikolai Sevenjanovich

Dearzvin, Nikolay Sevenjanovich (villa Prevolav, Berdjanski U., Tavrich guess., Russia, 3/15. Ⅻ 1877 – Leningrad, 26. ⅱ 1953) – Russian Slavic-historian and literary. Professor of Slavistics and Rector of the Leningrad State University, a full-time member of the SSSR (1931) and director of the CSSR Calvistics Institute in Lenzr (1931-1934). It writes about Russian-Bulgarian connections, Bulgarian history and the Macedonian question (from a Bulgarian point of view). On 20. ⅴ 1925, as a rector, recommends “Turkish data from Macedonia” D. Chupovski is “Macedonian Deper” that “deserves full attention and support”. Because D. In and after the Second World War, it is also expressed in favor of the struggle of the Macedonian Slavic people, on the recommendation of D. Vlahov, 7. ⅻ 1944 The Presidium of ASNOM can come to Macedonia “The best connoisseurs in the languages ​​of all Balkan peoples: Bernstain and Derminin” to help “in the preparation of the Macedonian literary language”. The visit is not realized. BIB.: Bulgarian-serbs of mazamotrodos and Macedonia vople, STD., 1914; Historo Horse Burns, Ib, M. ‡ l, 1945-1948. Lit.: Cvetan Stanoevski, diplomacy in histories and history of diplomacy. Macedonia in Soviet historiography 1917-1982, Skopje, 1986, 151-172; Stojan Risteski, the creation of contemporary Macedonian literary language, Skopje, 1988, 331-335; D. Mircev, Professor Deerzhavin c for a Macedonian Ezic, “Volunteer”, and, 5, Sofia, 15. 1945; Blaze Ristovski, centuries of the Macedonian consciousness. Research on Cultural-National Development, Skopje, 517-518. Bl. R. Asen Dermenziev-July Dermenjiev July, Asen

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДЕРЖАВИН, Николај Севостјанович

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