
Saying -. a short genre of oral folk creativity. Unlike the proverbs / proverbs, they do not circulate the reflective process in conclusion and do not pretend to general validity, but a parabolic associates on a true event. They do not absolutize the statement, but are firmly tied to the context and more dependent on it. They consist of syntagmatic units, which only are pronounced, and without the necessary context, they barely mean. While the saying / proverb does not miss them, but synthesize experiential data, the saying associates: in each manody – a peace; Village burns – Grandma is combing; Pisels – Delete! Litt.: B. Velichkovski, some characteristics of Macedonian proverbs and proverbs, folk art of the soil of Macedonia. Attachments for the research of the history of the culture of the soil of Macedonia, KN. 6, Skopje, 1997, 227-240; B. Velichkovski, some Bible proverbs and their significance for the educational process, education and religion, Bitola, 329-342. B. C.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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