Bitoski, Krste (s. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy – Group History (1956) and PhD at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje with the dissertation” The activity of the Pelagonija Metropolis (1878- 1912) “(1965). The on-the-century career by retirement was spent at the Institute (1967-1987), in the Unit for the Renaissance and National Liberation Movement. He is the Bitola-Prespa People’s Liberation Partisan Squad “Damjan Gruev” (1943) Krste Bitoski on several monographs, articles and other articles. Redector of the history of the Macedonian people, t. Ⅲ (INI, Skopje, 2003). BIB.: The activity of the Pelagonija Metropolis (1878-1912), Greek religious expenses and armed shares, Skopje, 1968; Macedonia and Principality Bulgaria 1893-1903, Skopje, 1977; Macedonia at the time of the Great Eastern Crisis (1875-1881), Skopje, 1982; Diplomatic echoes of the Ilinden Uprising, Skopje, 1983; Thessaloniki assassinations 1903, Skopje, 1985; The continuity of the Macedonian national liberation fights in the ⅹⅰⅹ century and the beginning of the ⅹⅹ century, Skopje, 1998. Lit.: 50 years Institute for National History 1948-1998, Skopje, 1998, 179- 182. S. Ml. Bittrakov, Dimitar Kirilov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БИТОСКИ, Крсте