Bistra – high mountain stretching in western Macedonia. It belongs to Western Mountain Bistra Bistra Mountains. Rises between the Kicevo valley in the east, the deep valley of Mavrovska Reka and Radika in the West, which separated from the mountains Korab and Deshat, the Mavrovo valley in the north and small river, Garma and the Yam-Sky River and the tectonic overvalal pit (1,100 m) to the south. As a clearly expressed morphestructure whole Bistra covers an area of 572.8 km² with 8 peaks with over 2,000 m. The highest peak is Medenica (2,163 m), and more prominent is still: Trebeka Rupa (2,154 m), Kurkov Dol (2.111 m), Govarnik (2,018 m), etc. Bistra has a complex geotectonic structure. In the lower part, old Paleozoic shales – philitoids occur, and the highest part is covered with TRIA limestones with a thickness of 400 m. Clean Triaski limestones allowed intense karstification and appearance of almost all surface and underground karst forms. Surface karst forms stand out the small karst fields: tons of water, dry field, Govarnik, Lazaropole, etc. In certain places, such as dry field and sultan, rafters are developed, often up to 50 per 1 km², so the relief gets the appearance of a slander karst. From the underground karst forms, the cave system alia, which consists of Upper and Lower Alilica, Kalina hole and Sharkoa hole. Bistra has the appearance of fossil glacial relief, especially circles. In the lower parts, forest complexes meet, and the higher spacious mountain pastures suitable for animal husbandry .: D. Manakovic, T. Andonovski, relief of Mount Bistra, Bistra and, “Natural and sociogeographic studies of Mount Bistra”, MANU, Skopje, 1983. T. And.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БИСТРА