
Biosystemmatics – a biological discipline that studies the diversity of wildlife (plants, animals, microorganisms and fungi), their related relations, the roads of their evolution and systematize in certain classification systems. Biosystem studies in Macedonia are started in the middle of the ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ century (FrivaldskS, 1835, 1836; Grisbac, 1843, 1844 and others) and with different intensity, S “to date. They are intensified by the establishment of the Natural History Museum of Macedonia (1926), the Hydrobiological Institute in Ohrid (1934), the Institute of Biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje (1946) and the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje (1947). So far, over 3,000 papers have been published that relate to the systematics of different groups of flora, fauna, fungia and microorganisms from the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. There are various systems that make an effort to classify the overall biodiversity. According to the modern classification system of VI-Tucker (News, 1969), all living organisms are grouped into 5 kingdoms: microorganisms (monger), algae (opinion), fungi (fungi), higher plants (planae) and animals (animalia). VL. M. “Birik” NOFM organ in Turkish

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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