Institute of Biology – exists since 1946, with the establishment of a natural and mathematical department within the framework of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. The composition of this higher education and scientific institution is to the foundation of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (1976). In the past period, the Institute of Biology structured and organized by three institutes: Institute for Botany, Zoological Institute and Office for Physiology and Biochemistry. The Institute of Biology was part of the natural and mathematical department, that is, the PMF until 1976. With university reforms (1976), the Institute of Biology is transformed into an independent biological faculty within the University Center for Biological and Biotechnical Sciences at the University “Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. Since 1985, with the processes of rationalization in vision education, the five independent faculties (mathematics, the Faculty of Physics, Chemical, Biological and Geographic) reunited in the PMF. The founders of the teaching and the scientific activity of the Institute of Biology are the Peafly known teachers from several university centers in the then SFRY. Today, the Institute of Biology employs 44 people: 12 full-time professors, 5 extraordinary professors, 6 envents, a senior scientific adviser, 6 assistants and 3 younger assistants. D. PR.
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