Antonov, Alexander

Antonov, Alexander (Posses. A. City, Sevastanov) (pyrdop, RB, 1881 – Sofia, 3. ⅳ 1907) – Bulgarian, a socialist from the group of proletari. After the end of the Bitola gymnasium, he taught in Kocansky, and then joined the Macedonian Socialist Movement “class awareness”. He studied the economic and revolutionary problem in Macedonia and European Turkey. He considered intelligence as the leader of the liberation struggle. Hardly ill, he committed suicide. Lit.: “Macedonian-offensive examination”, ⅱ, 47, 18. ⅲ 1907; c. “Evening Power”, no. 2020, 1907. O. Iv. Dimitar S. Antonov Antonov, Dimitar Sotirov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНТОНОВ, Александар

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