Anti-Fascist Assembly (already) of the People’s release of Yugoslavia

Anti-fascist assembly (already) of the People’s release of Yugoslavia (Bihac, 26-27. Xi 1942 – Egg, 28-29. Xi 1943) – The political representation of the Yugoslav peoples. The first session was held at the initiative of Josip Broz Tito, commander of the Supreme Headquarters of New and Pai and the Secretary of the CPY, in order to prejudge the renewal and future arrangement of Yugoslavia. It was held without the participation of representatives from Macedonia and Slovenia. For Macedonia, there was no significance. However, the talk of Tito at the second session of Awnoj (28 & 29. Xi 1943) without the participation of representatives from Macedonia, stopped the continuity with the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, in which the existence of the Macedonian people was not recognized. The Assembly adopted a declaration in which the interests of the future Macedonian state were partially represented. It has made decisions that have been constituted by the highest authorities of the state power and determined the state regulation: the constitution of the Amenoy Yugoslavia as a federal state composed of six republics, and five nations. Macedonia was declared a constituent member of the Yugoslav Federation. Dimitar Vlahov and Vladimir Notomov were proposed for Vice-Presidents of Awner, who did not accept office. The decisions of the second publication of AVNY in a certain sense served as a basis for the constitution of Macedonia as a separate state in the Yugoslav federation, with limited sovereignty. Lit: Dr. Novica Veljanovski, ASNOM State Dimensions, Skopje, 1994; Dr. Mihailo Minoski, Advice Yugoslavia and the Macedonian national question 1943-1946, Skopje, 2000; Dr Branko Petranovic, AVENY – Revolutionary shift authorities 19421945, Belgrade, 1976. N. C.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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