A blover

God Considered a heavy holiday. Some even consider him a great holiday as Easter, which is why: “Belovet first Easter”. The Holy Gospel according to Luca tells that Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to announce the girl Maria from Nazareth that she was determined by God to give birth to the Savior: “Rejoice in Blessed! The Lord is with you! You blessed you among women “- $ said. And when Holy Virgin Mary thought: “What will be this greeting?” The angel $ said: “No battle is Mary, for you have found mercy before God; And behold, you will be less than the necessary, “Annunciation”, royal doors, Nerezi, Skopje (ⅹⅴⅰ c.) Bring in the womb and give birth to a son and baptize him with the name Jesus. The UN will be great and will be called the son of the Most High and gave the Lord God the throne of his father David and will reign over to-Mot Jacob, always the Kingdom will not have the end. ” (Luke 1/27-33). The church established this holiday in honor of that mild news. It is celebrated exactly nine months before the Christmas Christ (Christmas). But there is no more precise data than when this holiday is celebrated. He is certainly known that he was celebrated in ⅶ c., But some testimonies indicate that he was celebrated for centuries before. As a mild day, it was believed that the wound did not hurt, so the young women doubled their ears. As a spring holiday, this day is connected and the release of the snakes and the arrival of the birds of the warm areas (the stork, league, puponian, celebration, etc.). It is believed that they will even rain on this day. Although it is falling into the heavy Easter fasting, the blover is eating fish. Even this is also considered necessary, for health. Therefore, the poor tried to buy fish, just “to be around fish.” Then they went out on mountain arams, believing that exactly that mild day will earn a lot of bluice, a lot of money and will not suffer some damage or misfortune. Lit.: Serbian folk customs U И леви-Eliskoy Kazi, Premubio and Opisshao Stefan Tansћ, Teacher, Belgrade, 1927; Lazar Mirkyћ, Heorthology, Belgrade, 1961; Marco K. Cepenkov, book ninth, folk beliefs, children’s games. Redecting Dr. Kiril Penakliski and Leposa Spirovska, Skopje, 1972; Naum Celakovski, Debarca, rituals and ritual games, Skopje, 1984; Holy letter of the Old and New Testament, Skopje, 1990. M. Keith.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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