St. Naum

“St. Naum” – a monastery church in Ohrid dedicated to the holy archangels. He built him in-mind in 900 On the southern coast of Ohrid Lake. The church has a form of triconhos, whose remains are unearthed in the foundations of the current church. The facility was restored as a combination of inscribed cross and a three-nave basilica. In addition to its basic part, built in ⅹⅴⅰ c. Naum, as well as one external perma, which later received a dome. The series of reconstructions and buildings indicate the care that is committed to this significant monument through the centers, as a hotspot of Slavic literacy and spirituality, supporting the manner of the Byzantine construction from the medieval period. Prior to its frescoes in the ⅹⅰⅹ century, older stages of the frescoes were found. The oldest part of the WTT more celebrate those that the monastery complex churches “St. Leontius, “s. Vodoca, Strumica (ⅶ-ⅹⅴ c.) “St. Naum” with the monastery church “St. Naum, “Ohrid (ⅹⅴ-ⅹⅴⅰ c. The second stage of the frescoes are frescoes in the treatment department, where the composition is recognized by the prophets have indicated you. The figures of the prophets are placed in cups of flower ornaments with open scrolls in front of him. These frescoes include among the works of the School of Onung, but still closer to his son Nikola’s artistic procedure, which is known as the murals of the frescoes in the “Virgin Valcherenic” in Berat (1578). The third stage of the frescoes in St. Naum represents the iconostasis of the temple, completed in 1711, with the signature of the Jeromonk Constantine Zograf. The iconostasis is in several zones of throne icons, then the zone of large holidays, and in the upper zone is the Holy Act from which the cross with the crucifixion of Christ is coming. It is obvious that Konstantin Zograf worked with one or two assistants, and for one is assumed to be the future celebrated Zograf David from Selena. The biggest attention to the iconostasis attracts the icon of St. Naum and St. Clement by making St. Naum holds a model of the temple as a donor, and close to his legs are painted several scenes from the life of St. Naum preceding the works of Christopher Gafarovich and showing that the first finding of the topic associated with St. Naum. In this direction, the printing house in the Moskopole acted, which acted in the middle of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c., Where were the printed ceremony of the Balkan and Slavic teachers and preachers of Christianity. These lives and services had graphical ornament with the characters of Sts. Naum and St. Clement, and the painters used these texts to illustrate their works. The iconostasis is incorporated in a deep carving that is considered to be a representative of the epirite style. It should be noted that painting is processed and the royal doors as well as the lower part of the Lample. In the work of Konstantin Zograf, Western elements of the late Gothic and early Renaissance are present, which are deemed to be accepted by Venice, but also from the “Levant Baroque” that moved throughout Jadran and the Mediterranean coast. Following these artistic activities, the son of Konstantin Zograf was hired for the painting of the temple, the famous family of artists from the Korca region. The father and the uncoist of the Trupon, the painters Constantine and Atanas, originated from the village. Undercut that is located near “St. Naum “and Podgradec. This family accepted Zografian orders in Albania and Macedonia, and mostly in Mount Athos. Their work is followed since the middle of the ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ century. The traditionalism and conservative line of art of that period with certain insignificant western elements are felt in the Trumpy Chart. He was first engaged by Abbot Stephen in 1799. For the performance of the fees in the grave chapel of the saint, and the donor of the frescoes was Naum Joanov Moscipol. In the grave chapel in the lower zone, figures of prominent monks were painted in full growth, and above the ship itself is the composition of St. Naum, where they are fresco: the Seven Church “St. Naum, “Ohrid (1799) the royal doors in the church” St. Naum, “Ohrid (1711) grouped all Slavic teachers. In the second zone is the cycle of life and miracles of St. Naum with reduction of episodes, from the famous graphics of Sts. Naum of Christopher Zefarovich, due to the limited space. In the high zone of the chapel, the Divine Liturgy was painted in which Christ himself as the Archayaray seemed, and the figure of Jesus Christ is dominated by the vault of Jesus Christ. In 1806 Trupo is re-engaged by the abbot Stephen to paint the porch and the basic part of the Church. The temple painted ten cycles and more individual compositions, from the first zone to the dome: Great holidays, Christ’s torment and suffering, scenes of the life of the Bogorodica, forty martyrs, poetic compositions dedicated to the Virgin and more figures related to this cult place, like, For example, the figures of the Seven cubeers in the porch of the temple, St. Achilles Lariski, St. John Vladimir, St. Nicodemus from Berat, etc. Trupon Zupa has influenced the topic of the Mistani Masters from the ⅹⅰⅹ century, which also accepted part of the benefits of the old Korchanski and Salidium Masters. It should be noted that in their repertoire, the figure of the martyrdom of St. is also occupied. Marena, as well as St. Kirik and Juli, who is thought to have been relics in the Church. Lit.: M. Evilmous, ages of the areas of Ohrid, “Olderly”, ⅲ, Belgrade, 1925; D. Coco, Study and Archaeological Trials of the Church of Sts. Naum, “Proceedings of the Archaeological Museum”, ⅱ, Skopje, 1958; D. Boskovic – K. Tomovski, medieval architecture in Ohrid, “Proceedings”, Ohrid, 1961; T. After-Well, Pictoret Messetare Sichipar, tyrane, 1961; D. Coco, Trerkon Churches in Clement’s time, Slavic literacy. 1050th anniversary of Kliment Ohridski, Ohrid, 1966, 91-100; I. Snarar, Monastirít St. Naum in Ohrid Lake, Sophie®, 1972; P. Miljkovic-ash, some views on architecture on the monastery church St. Naum, Naum Ohridski. Proceedings, Ohrid, 1985; M. D. Pachfeus, Die Drugs Oun Moscchoopolis, 1731-1769: Butchkrov Selligruberhrung IMSBRESUM ACHRIDA, NIEN 1989; S. Risteski, legends and traditions for St. Naum, Skopje, 1990; Cv. Grozdanov, St. Naum Ohridski, Skopje, 1995; N. Celakoski, St. Naum Ohrid Wonderworker, Prilep, 1997. CH. Gr. – Cr. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СВЕТИ НАУМ

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