Zupa – a landscape in Debar. It extends to the western slopes of Mount Stogovo, starting with the village. Upper of the north, to the villages of Elevci and at the south. The eastern border of the landscape leads the crest of Mount Stogovo, and the western coast of the Debar Lake. The terrain is mountain-dollars with lake surfaces. It is composed of shales and places of limestone. The climate is moderoContinental. The land is interrupted by valleys and the erosive processes are highly emphasized. The Zupa is divided into Upper and Lower Zupa. There are 18 villages in it, which live 6,300 h. (2002). In the past, a large settlement with significant functions was Kodzadik, and today it is Center Zupa, which has 800 h. And is the seat of the municipality. The population in terms of ethnic and religious affiliation is mixed composition. Here Macedonians – Orthodox and Islamized (Torbeshi), then Albanians and Turks. The largest village inhabited by Albanians is Balans, and with Turks Kodzadik. Mainly dealing with animal husbandry, and more recently, they go to work abroad, and most in Italy. Al. ST. Aleksandar Kuvan.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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