Putkov, Boro

Putkov, Boro (Borija) (Mirko Spaniard) (Strumica, 18. ⅳ 1916 – Belgrade, 19. ⅵ 1981) – Graphic worker, military commander of the NOVM and General General of the JNA. As a member of the communist movement (from 1936) and a member of the CPY (since 1938), he was a fighter of international brigades – in the battalion “Diviforms. Large groups of soils and their types (in parentheses) are: ernixols (leptosol, regosol, arenosol), flivisols (fluviatile soil, colivial soil), molescols (limestone-dolomite mulberry, mulberry ranch, rebound, chernozem) , Vertisoli, Cambisoli (cyon forest soil, reddish, brown soil on limestone and dolomites, brown forest soil), Luvisoli (Lovisiled soil), subpasses (brown repossess Soil), Planosol (Planosol), Glazen (Fluviatile-meadow soil , hydrogen mulberry, marshy soil), Solmerčakers (Solmeric), soloons (soleol), histosol (fibrisol, hemisol, Sprino), Anthroposol (Rigosol, Hortisol, Rizosol, Iiragic Anthroposol, Deposol, Flotisol). Leptosol – Soil with list of contact up to 25 cm. Undeveloped or poorly developed soil, with a type of type (a) -C, with poorly developed (initial) horizon or OHR-scenic performance of the People’s Oro “Puffered” f. Filipovski: “Classification of the Soils of the Republic of Macedonia” (2006) Chen Horizon. There is an eroded soil in our mountains. As a clean cartographic unit is 13.053 ha, and as complex units with other soil types 378,327 ha. It features low productive capability, especially due to the shallownty profile. Leptosol appears as a result of heavily developed erosion processes in our country. Regosol – poorly developed soil, with poorly developed (initial) horizon. It is educated from a shared substrate, with a deep profile, without listatic contact. It occurs in the valleys in the corruption pitches, which are strongly eroded after the destruction of the forest. The educated is most often on tertiary sediments. Typically, vineyard and fruitless soil, but also used for water crops. It appears most of the winter hilly pastures. Arranosol – movable sand that is educated with olic erosion and residue of the eroded material. It covers 200 ha by Vardar in the Gevgelija valley. Not used in agricultural production. Alluvial (fluval) soil – modern river sediment, deeper of 25 cm, with poorly developed or underdeveloped pedogenetic processes. It contains fluhous soil materials and is distinguished by layered and with good sortation. It occurs in our wider river valleys and covers 131,599 ha. It is one of our most fertile soils. It is used intensively in agricultural production. The largest part is meliorated (drainage) or intensively irrigated. Coluvial (deluvial) soil – Soil formed by the eroding of soils from the higher (mountain and hilly) terrains with surface waters and torrential watercourses and with the opposition resetting of the eroded material in the subchief of those terrains. It is deeper than 20 cm, there are poorly developed pedogenetic processes, expressed layering and weak sorting of materials. The total area of ​​its area is 159,600 ha. It is used intensively in agricultural production (vineyard, fruit growing). Often irrigated with bistro mountain waters. A limestone-dolomite mulberry – soil with the type of profile A-R, with a well-developed black humus horizon, deep at least 30 cm, lying on clean compact limestones and dolomites. It is covered with high-mountain grass vegetation, which is used for summer pasha in our mountain regions (in the Alpine and Subalpian). It occupies 220,000 ha. Prayer Ranker – Soil with the type of profile A-R or A-AC-CA, with a well-developed begging horizon lying on basic and ultraubasic walls or on their regolite. It is covered with high-mountain grass vegetation, which is used for summer pasha. Together with the Umbridians cover 233,000 ha, of which only a small part belongs to the beggar ranker. Renade – Soil with profile type A-AS-C, with a dark begging horizon, a voltage of 40 cm. It is educated on a rastox substrate rich in carbonates (various types of tertiary sediments) in our valleys (wavy terrain). It is used intensively in agriculture (crop, viticulture, fruit growing). It covers 32,800 ha together with the Chernozem. Chernozem / blackness – soil with profile type A-AS-S, with dark begging horizon thicker, from 40 cm. It is educated on a rastox carbonate substrate, olivast and rich in ILIT (lesucid or old-core or pliocene sediments). It occurs mostly in the driest continental-sub-Mediterranean area in our valleys (wavy-hilly terrain). Fruit soil used intensively in agriculture, especially if irrigated. Covers 32,800 ha together with rended. Umbris Ranker (Umbrisol) – Hummy-silicate soil, with a profile type A-AC-C-R or rarely A-R, with a well-developed dark-minded horizon. It is educated on silicate and quartzic walls or on their residual regolite in our mountainous terrain (Alpine and subalpician area). Most of the high mountain pastures that serve for summer grazing are on this soil. Its area is 221,400 ha as a clean cartographic unit, and in the form of complexes with regoses another 12,000 ha. Smilica (Vertisol) – Soil Most often with a type of A-AC profile, with a vertic horizon to a depth of 100 cm, with clay above 30%, rich in motmorylonite and the absorption capacity-1 lem of 40 soil (+) kg. Severe soil with bad physical properties, educated on clay sediments or basic and ultraubasic walls and their regolite. It occurs in our valleys (wavyidside terrain) and is used intensively in agriculture. Its area is 61,900 ha. Part of these soils are irrigated. Cinimon forest soil-with profile type A- (b) -C. There is an Ohrich or prayer Hummen Horizon under which an Oglinen Camorobic Horizon, which is the main feature for this soil. The soil is unsticorbonate and is educated most often from various sedimentary walls, which can be unsticorbonated or carbonate. It occurs in our driest valleys, mainly in the continental-sub-Mediterranean area on wavy-ridic terrain, which were formerly covered with oak vegetation that is now for the most part destroyed so that the soil is used intensively in agriculture (mainly vineyard soil). Much is irrigated. As a separate cartographic unit covers 113,359 ha, and in complexes with other soils (regosols, rendzines and livered soils) another 222,651 ha. Down – Soil with profile type A- (B) -RP. It has an Ohrich or a prayer humus horizon, which occurs a distinctive red residual cambic horizon. The soil is unsticorbonate, educated on clean limestones and dolomites in our limestone mountains, mainly under oak vegetation. Brown soil on limestone and dolomites – soil with profile type A- (b) RZ. There is an echoed prayer or umbrellious horizon, which arises a brown-colored carbic residual horizon. The soil is unsticorbonate and is educated on clean limestone and dolomites in our mountains, mainly under oak vegetation. Occupies 93,000 ha. Brown forest soil – Soil with a type A- (B) profile. There is Humusen Ohrich, a prayer or umbrellant horizon under which a typical (plain) Camobic Horizon lies. It occurs most often on unsticorbonate quartz and silicate walls. The soil is unsticorbonate and sour, educated mainly in mountain terrain, most often under beech vegetation. One of the most widespread soils in our country. Textually is undifferentiated or poorly differentiated. Covers 925,000 ha. Lesivated soil – soil that has under natural vegetation type of profile A-E-BT-C. Under the Ohrich or Ummen Humen Horizon there is a lesvied eluvial horizon, and under it an arguable horizon. The soil profile is distinguished by strong morphological, textual and other differentiation. As a clean cartographic unit covers 21,600 ha, and in a complex with other soils 6,350 ha, part of which are under natural oak vegetation and part is processed. Brown Subside Soil – Soil characterized by organic horizon, which occurs a mixed-estuvious horizon with weak eluvia, and under it a characteristic diffuse humoferisododic horizon, which can have two floors. It occurs under forest vegetation (Smrish and Molika) in our subalpic mountainous area. Expressed sour soil. Occupies small surfaces. Planosol – Soil with strong textual differentiation, with easier eluvial planal horizon, saturated with upper groundwater. Under it, an impermeable horizon occurs, with a sharp and horizontal border between them. Occurs on align surfaces under oak vegetation. The processed surfaces should be molierated. Fluvial-meadow soil – Soil with profile type A-C-GSO or A-AC-C-GSO profile. It is educated in river Lucky from peer alluvial drifts, underground waters deeper than 100 cm. There is a terrestrestic prayer humbly-accumulative horizon, and under it, a stagger oxymorphic horizon, deeper than 100 cm. Today is meliorated (drainage). It is used intensively in agricultural production (mainly for their crops) and is distinguished by high fertility. Together with the marshmostian soil occupies 39,395 ha. Hydrogen mulberry – Soil with a type of A-AC-GSO profile or A-AC / GSO, with a dark colored begging horizon, thicker than 50 cm and often with vertical properties, with a spoiled stage oxymorphic horizon, deeper than 100 cm. Groundwater is deeper than 100 cm and are characterized by heavily oscillation of the level. It is educated in river Lucky from the perception, most often clay alluvial drifts. After the melioration it is distinguished by high fertility and used intensively in agriculture (mainly for their cultures). Together with the meadow and marshy-gaze soils occupies 40,000 ha. Marshy-gloomy soil – Soil with type of A-GSO profile or A / GSO-GSO, with humus horizon with signs of hydromorphism, pace of 50 cm, and under it with a stagnant oxymorphic and stagnant reducymatical horizon. It is educated from alluvial drifts in river Lucky and saturated with water if it is not meliorated. After melioration (drainage) it is distinguished by high fertility and used intensively in agriculture (mainly for their crops). Together the meadous and marshistous soils occupy 40,000 ha. Solene – Soil with profile type A / E-BTNT-C. It is educated mainly from alluvial deposits under the influence of weaker shelter and somewhat deeper underground water than in the solonist. It is distinguished by clear texture and other differentiation. The prayer or the echir horizon is simultaneously eluvial. Under it lies a sort of horizon, which is, in fact, an arguluvic horizon but with a pillar structure and with more than 15% of the atorbed sodium ions. Together with the Solmer covering 11,000 ha. Infertile soil with possible expensive meliorations. Solmerackk – Soil with ASA-G or ASA-CG type, without textual differentiation and without a sort horizon. It has a sophisticated horizon, thicker than 15 cm, with over 1% salts and their ephologency. Groundwater is shallow and shelter. Infertile soil with possible expensive melioration. Covered with halophytic vegetation. Together with the soleop covers 11,000 ha. Histosol – stood soil. A large group of soils, which features the presence of a hystic horizon, a deeper of 30 cm and more organic substances of 30%. It is educated in the depressions of the inadequate terraces, in addition to our lakes and in depressive terrains in the mountains. Depending on whether the fibrous, chemical or slide materials are divided into three types: Fibrisol, Hemisol, Sprino. Occupies 700 ha. Depending on where the valve and mountainous shake is different. By meliation of the valve shivers, very fertile soils with high yields of garden and fruit crops are obtained. In addition to these soils, there are anthropogenic soils (c. Anthropogenic soils). Lit.: F. Filipovski, Soils of the Republic of Macedonia, and-c, MANU, Skopje, 1995-2001; It, the classification of the soils of the Republic of Macedonia, MANU, Skopje, 2006. F. F. Map of afforestation in the action of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on the day of the tree (12. ⅲ 2008)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОЦКОВ, Боро

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