Ohmcevic, Stefan Hreljo Dragela (Visar Hredljo; in the MO-Family Hariton; in the folk songs Hreljo Crylatica, Hreljo from the market, Relio Xevocrilly, Relio of Budim, Wricken Bosnjanin, king Xestoni) (Bosnia, the end of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c. – Rilski monastery, 27. ⅹⅰⅰ 1342) – Noble, military leader, proteve of Serbian King Stephen Decanian (1321-1331) and Serbian Emperor Stefan Dushan (1331-1355), Byzar of Byzantium and epic hero. As an already prominent military leader, Stefan Decann under his command sent assistance to the military of Byzantine ruler Andronicus ⅱ against his grandson Andronicus ⅲ (1327). In one Charter Andronicus, he calls “Great Domustic”. The center of his possessions was first in Shtip, and renewed the Rila monastery (1334) and he built the famous Hreljova Tower (1335). Then his possession extended the areas of Stip, Strumica and PL. Rila. Later, for unknown reasons, he was rebelled by Stephen Dushan and acknowledged the supreme power of Byzantium (1339/1340), where he received the title of the Sara and educated his principality with the center of the Krepost in Strumica. After the death of Emperor Andronicus, he participated in the Civil War in Byzantium (1341-1347) and for helping the side of John Cantacin, he gave the city of Melnik. At that time, his possession covered the space between Stip, Melnik and the left bank of the Struma River. With the concluded alliance between John Cantaku and Stefan Dusan (summer 1342), his possession has fallen again under Serbian rule. Stephen Dushan took them water, Strumica and Melnik and besieged Serez. He was deprived of power, he retreated to the Rill monastery and became a monk under the name of Hariton, but suddenly died. Probably he was killed on the order of Stephen Dushan. It is preserved its tombstone from that time. In the folk songs, he captivated with beauty and heroism and I crab the Marko Kra. The naming of the wings got it according to the clothes – a winged wings. To show that there are glorious ancestors, Petar Ivelin Oh-Mucchevic (Don Pedro), who was pointed out in Maritime Spanish service, took Ohtcevic as his ancestor, and in this connection, Petar Oh-Mucevic, in which he affirmed him, in which he affirmed him, in which he affirmed him in which he affirmed him and the Macedonian coat of arms and the Macedonian name (1584/94). Lit.: Stephen Verselics ¢, Srpske National Pesse of Seriza, Kl.2, SANU, Belgrade, 1860, 32 (manuscript); D. S. Johnans ¢, Hrelja ohchches ¢, “Otabasmin”, in, 9, Belgrade, 1881, 363-370; J. Ivanov, “St. Ivan “Rilski and his” Monastery “, Sophie®, 1917; ST. Stanojes ¢, Relja Crylatica, “Politics”, 10. ⅹ 1930; HR. Hristov – Mr. Stojkov – Kr. Mi, Rilski Monastery, Sophie® 1957; M. Din ¢, Relja Ohmuchevi ¢ – History and Pretection, “Proceedings Radova Wanzatologo Institute”, 9, Belgrade, 1966; Dr. Aleksandar Matkovski, arms of Macedonia, Skopje, 1970, 46-53; L. Povkov, Herel Tower, Sophie®, 1973; M. C. Bartusis, Chrelja And Momcilo: Oczazing M. Dunic – S. Takkovic, Herrein bowed Hilandararu, “Proceedings Radova Wanzatolical Institute”, 21. 1982. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ОХМУЧЕВИЌ, Стефан Хрељо Драговола