Zuta, Bekir (Veleshta, Struga, 22. IX 1935 – Skopje, 2005) – Economist and politician. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Skopje (1962) and received a doctorate in the field of finance on the topic “The system of financing housing construction in SR Macedonia”. He was on various managerial functions in the municipality of Struga, a member of the Executive Council of the Assembly of the SRM (1967-1969), Assistant Secretary of Urbanism (1970-1975), a judge of the Constitutional Court of SRM (1975-1983), Vice-Manner of the National Bank of Macedonia (1986-1992) and vice president of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (20. 1991 – 4,992 and 4. IX 1992 PDP and PDP-NDP. BIB.: The system of financing housing construction in SR Macedonia, a view of the Western Slopes of Zupa Skopje, 1984. S. ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЖУТА, Беќир