Zanitation of the vegetation of Macedonia. The vegetation cover of Macedonia is shown in the form of belts, analogous to climate and soil belts. They are detailed in the monograph of F. Filipovski, R. Rizovski and P. Ristevski “Characteristics of climate-vegetation zones (regions) in the Republic of Macedonia” (MANU, special edition, 1996). Based on physiognomy, the vegetation cover can be broken down on oak, Bukov, Subalpian and Alpine region. The first three are represented by zonal forests, and the fourth region with grassy phytocenoses. The oak region is from the lowlands up to 1,100 m above sea level. In Macedonia, he occupies about 73% of the total territory. In terms of climate, a significant feature gives a more or less pronounced summer dry period. This region is divided into: 1. Zerot of the oak Prennot (Luersuz Csocti) – a sub-Mediterranean area. The average-year-old temperature tour is from 14 -15 C and pro-centuries of precipitation around 700 mm, with a minimum in the summer. 2. Zone of oak Blagoon (Luersuz Pulescence) – Transitional sub-Mediterranean-warmocontinental area covered by the valleys in central Macedonia and the valleys of the rivers enters up to 600 m above sea level. This area occupies about 34% of the total territory of the Republic of Macedonia and is the largest. The average annual temperature is operated between 12 and 14 s, and precipitation is 470-600 mm, with a minimum in the summer. 3. Zone of the oak Pluskor (Luersuz Fraineto) – a warmocontinental area. It is widespread in the high valleys of Eastern and Western Macedonia, between 600 and 900 m above sea level, on which it builds a belt and the Vardar valley. This area occupies about 28% of the total territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The average-year-old temperature ranges between 9 and 12 s, and precipitation is between 600 and 800 mm, with a minimum through the summer. 4. Coolocinental zone (Luersuz Petraea) – an altitude belt between 900 and 1,100 m above sea level. Dashed belt with languages of subplanine beech forest. It is not represented on the border mountains towards Bulgaria. The average annual temperature ranges between OO 8 -9 C, and the average annual amount of precipitation is between 700-800 mm, with a minimum through the summer. It occupies 9% of the total territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The beech region – covers beech, Bukovo-Eal forests, and we meet both friends, blackballs and molics forests of secondary habitats. It covers about 22% of the total territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The climate is characteristic that there is no dry period and muggle start from early autumn to late spring. This area is divided into subplanish zone 1,100-1,300 m above sea level, dashed with Goron forests. The average annual temperature iso is 8 -9 C, and the amount of precipitation is about 800 mm. Higher builds mountain beech Shu-ma or beech-elova forest between 1,300 and 1,700 m above sea level. The average annual temperature is about 7 C, and precipitation is about 1,100 mm. This area is optimal for the development of existing vegetation. Subalpic zone – stretches from 1,700-2.200 m above sea level. Molika’s forests, Smrish, white pine, beech and occupies 4% of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The average annual temperature is moving OO between 4 -5 C, and precipitation between 1,100-1,300 mm. With the destruction of forests, pastures of large spaces have been created. In many steep places, torrents flood that flood agricultural areas, settlements and damages damages, and therefore endeavors to make afforestation of erosive terrains. Alpine region (zone) – It is located over 2,200 m above sea level and occupies 1% of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. There are no conditions for the development of wood vegetation, therefore grassy fitocenoses. R. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet