Faculty of Agriculture / Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food in Skopje

Faculty of Agriculture / Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food in Skopje (autumn 1947) – faculty formed as a special department of the agricultural and forestry faculty, which later divided into two independent faculties – Faculty of Forestry (1975). In the chronology of the inspection. D. J. The Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje at the Faculty, the first Bachelor of Graduate Studies (30. 1949), the first defended doctoral dissertation (28. 1959) and the first defended master theme (24. Xi 1971). Soon, the Faculty of Agriculture has grown into a working organization in which the agricultural institute, the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, the Institute for Fruit, the Institute for Viticulture and Faculty Agriculture Trubarevo (1977-1989). The working organization had 8 legal entities: Institute of Facquility and Gardening, Institute for Fruit Viticulture and Wine, Institute of Animal Husbandry, Institute for Soil Study, Institute for Plant Protection, Institute for Economics and Organization and Faculty Agricultural Economics . Then the faculty continued with independent activity (early 1990), with three basic activities – educational, scientific and research and applicative. In addition to the existing guidelines – Seavska (with a garden-flower group), Lozariovnaden and livestock direction, the general direction (1990), veterinary direction (1992-1994, which then grew into veterinary faculty) and agricultural direction (1997). In accordance with the needs of the expert workforce market for small and large production capacity Macedonia. After the Second World War, agriculture and livestock was still the main economic activities and such remained two to three decades, ensuring the existence of the majority of the population. With the development of industry and other activities, the importance of agriculture relatively reduced, but it remained significant activity to today’s days. For the development of agricultural activity, both for agricultural and animal husbandry, there are quite good conditions on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The suitable soil terrains, i.e. The configuration of the ground, altitude, natural valleys and valleys, mild climate, and the waters (total annual precipitation) provide a wide range in the structure of agricultural activity under agricultural crops and the species of livestock. From agricultural crops most represented: grainy plants (wheat, corn, rye, barley and oats); grape (vines); Fruits, garden crops, etc. The mild climate, especially Mediterranean, allows to breed different tropical industrial plants, for example. Rice, tobacco, sunflower, sugar beet and small amounts – cotton, poppy and sesame. The high mountains in the Republic of Macedonia, whose slopes are covered by the arable land is low-cost value (class in-ⅷ), and only 1/3 is of good quality (class and-yl). The pastures occupy 697,000 ha (average for 2001-2005), of which 36.5% are mountainous and high mountain and 63.5% are spread after wavy-hire terrains in the valleys. The possessing structure of agriculture in SR Macedonia consisted of two sectors: individual and social. The social sector remained until privatization (2002-2004). In the individual sector parcels split, with an average size of 0.14 ha. Agricultural enterprises – Combines and co-operatives (164 in number) have nearly 50% of the total agricultural area, or 30% of arable land. In the past period, thanks to the good equipment with mechanization and professional staff, the modernization of the total agricultural production was carried out. For the development of agriculture in Macedonia, a special contribution is attributed to: mechanization, chemization, melioration, selected seeds, good planting material, enriched livestock, veterinary and other protection, professional staff, etc. As representative indicators, we will list tractors and artificial fertilizers. In the average annual growth rates of the social product in the total economy and agriculture tents in the Republic of Macedonia and the interests of the study period 1953-1956 1961-1965 1966-1970 1981-1985 1986-1988 2002-2004 * Denti, a new re- Vk. Standed. 9.1 8.5 7.5 0.6 0.1 4.1 Form of teaching by introducing a loan transfer system with atriania. 11.2-0,3 6,4 -0.8 1.7 7,3 Total 10 Guidelines (2001): Svellian, garden-flower, vine-fruit, livestock, agroeconomic, direction for plant protection, direction of utilization , Regulation and protection of soils and waters, direction for environmentalism and direction for processing agricultural products. According to changes in the activity, then changed the name to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food (February 2004), with dispersed instruction at the Garden Children’s Direction in Strumica (2005). In addition to regular undergraduate studies, the Faculty has postgraduate and doctoral studies. It graduated from 6,237 students in undergraduate studies, 11 students of specialist studies, 317 Masters and 191 PhD students. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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