Worms, tubers

Worms, tubers (Nemanichelminghes) – worms with diverse shape and body size. The whole body is covered with a thick cover (cuticle), under which, instead of an epithelium, there is a layer of grain protoplasm (hypodether). In Macedonia, a tubular worm (Navit) has 613 types of tubular worms. They are subordinate in two classes: Rotors (Rotatoria) and Nematodi (Navite). Rotators meet in the plankton communities of our lakes, 60 species registered. From the class, Nematodes, in Ohrid Lake, the presence of 23 free nonparazt species, of which, 3 are endemic. Together with the explored terrestrial nematodes, the total number of registered species is rounded up on 553. Litus. Semitz., Skopje, 1971, 3 (1): 1-8; Jonce Sapkarev, a zoology of invertebrate animals, Skopje 1991, 1-640; Group of authors, TSUNS Stade Fort Biodelysitis off the Republic of Macedonia (FIRST VATHAL REPORT), Ministry of Environments, Skopje 2003, 1-210. C. T. K – M. Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЦРВИ, ЦЕВЧЕСТИ

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