Angelov, Ivan (village Rad, Strumica, 28. ⅶ 1941) – Botanist, UNIV. Professor and statesman. He graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture (Department of Agriculture) in Skopje (1964), a Master’s degree in the topic “Examination of Optional” in some domestic and foreign varieties of wheat in our country “(1972) and received the topic” inheritance of some quantitative properties during the crossing of wheat ( Three TI Cum Dumum). ” He was primarily an assistant at the Cotton Institute in Strumica, a selection of selection and self-production (1964), and Ivan Angelov then crossed the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje (1968), where he was Vice (1982-1986) and full-time professor of botany (since 1991 ). He gave a significant scientific contribution to the creation of new genotypes of cereals, mainly wheat. He was elected a permanent consultant of FAO (1973) and collaborated with numerous institutions abroad. He was Minister of Agriculture in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (20. 1991 – 4 IX 1992 and 20. 1994 – 30. Xi 1998). He is the author of a number of professional and scientific papers. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНГЕЛОВ, Иван