Veles valley

Veles valley – a small valley stretching in the central part of the Republic of Macedonia. From all sides is limited by low hills that separate from Ovce field to the east and the Hague valley to the west. In the north through the Taor Gorge is related to the Skopje valley, and to the south through the Veles Gorge with Tikvesh Valley. It covers an area of ​​47 km². For the formation of the valley, the fluvial erosion that was performed by the Vardar River with its tributaries. This valley after its genesis is erosive, that is, it is a greater erosive expansion of the R. Vardar. In the southern part of the valley, the city of Veles developed. Lit.: Manakovic D., abrasions and fluvival elements in the rendering of Babuna and volumes with Tetovo Valley, “Annual Proceeding”, Rh. 14, Skopje, 1965. T. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЕЛЕШКА КОТЛИНА

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