Veles People’s Liberation Partisan Squad Pere Toshev

Veles People’s Liberation Partisan Squad “Pere Toshev. – (Sq. Lisec, Veles, second half of May 1942 – Roon of the village. Gabbovnovnik, Veles, second half of September 1942) – Partisan Squad of Nopom. He was formed by fighters from Veles, who went on the ground in the second half of April 1942. Formual was composed of two troops. One acted on PL. Lisec, and the other in the area of ​​nitrogen. He acted on disarmament of the members of the controversy and Bulgarian police patrols and formed the NOO. Surrounded on PL. Lee-se from overpowered military forces from Skopje and Police from Veles, led a full-day struggle (11. ⅵ) and the night managed to break the hoop. Continued to act in the Valley of R. Vardar on communications Skopje-Prilep and Veles-Shtip and was calculated with representatives of the Bulgarian authorities in the villages Kranjica, Kriva Pava (August), mine and a soldier (September). In the stay in the area of ​​the village. Gabbovnik, Veles, from him and newly arrived fighters from Prilep Bill formed the Veles NOO “Dimitar Vlahov” (c). Lit.: Partisan Detachment “Pere Toshev”, Reading People’s Education, Skopje, 1958, 67; Prof. Vlado Ivanovski, “Pere Toshev” – Name of Veles Partisan Squad of 1942, Gjorce Petrov and Pere Toshev, Prilep, 1974, 181-184. S. Ml. Veles Lake “Youth

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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