Varvara, St.

Varvara, Sts.” – Church in the village. Rajčica, near Debar. Bi-La Metoch of the Bigorski Monastery. One-axle church with a semicondicated vault, three-sided apse (from the external) and semicircular apse (from the inside). Built from crushed stone and mortar. During the construction, softbacks were used by a senior cult object. The inscriptions written with old Slavic letters are preserved, in which the icers of the sheath and in the year and the year when 7105 (1597) were built. Inside the church there is a well preserved fresco painting. The names of the painter and his two assistants remain unknown. Their painting has no larger art values. There are several icons from the same painters of the improvised wooden iconostas. Lit.: K. Balabanov, studies of the cultural and historical heritage of the city of Debar and the Debar area, an attachment to the study of the church “St. Varvara “in the village. Rajčica – Debar, “cultural heritage”, ⅶ (1976-1978), Skopje, 1978, 2140; K. Balabanov, mildly to Puuevime Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 1983. K. B.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАРВАРА, СВ

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