Uprising Peter Deljan (1040 – 1041) – Uprising against the Byzantine rule in Macedonia and the Balkans. The occasion was the Byzantine financial reform (1040) for payment of taxes in money, place in kind. The uprising began in Belgrade. Petar Deljan, the son of Emperor Gavril Radomir, due to his descent, was elected leader of the uprising and was declared king. The rebels rushed south and shortly conquered Nis, Skopje, Durres and Southwestern Macedonia (Ohrid-Prespa area), where the Center of Samuil’s Kingdom was located. Petar Deljan with the principal of the rebellious army stopped at an island and here set his camp. The uprising quickly spread. For a short time, most of Macedonia, parts of Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria and Helada were released for short time. Two Macedonian nobles, Manuil Iman and Alusan crossed the side of the rebels, who were in the Byzantine service. Manuil Izec belonged to the accompaniment of the emperor, and Alusan was cousin to Deljan (the son of Yo-Van Vladislav). The coming of the IMev and Alosijan contributed to further strengthening and spread of the uprising. After Alusian’s defeat in Thessaloniki (1040), discord was created among the rebels. Alusene of fraud blinded Peter Deljan, and then crossed the side of the Byzantines. It took advantage of Emperor Michael ⅳ at the Island broke the rebels and captured Peter Deljan. The resistance of the rebels continued. The defense organized a manuil Izec. In order to prevent the advancement of the Byzantines to Pelagonia and the Ohrid Propan area, a wooden obstacle (DEMA) erected. However, the Byzantines managed to destroy it, defeated the rebels and captured the manuil Izec. The uprising was stifled, and many rebels, together with Petar Deljan and Manuil Izec, were taken into captivity in Constantinople. Lit.: N. Blagoev, Deliana and his uprising God and Macedonia against the Byzantine, “Macedonian Review”, IV / 2, Sofia, 1928; D. Tzankova-Petkova, Petar Deliaan Prez, looked at his socialists, “Historian review”, 4, Sofia, 1966; M. Danê, out of the wounds of gravity, “articles for kniving, Jesik, historu and folklore,” JJJ, 3-4, Belgrade, 1964. K. Ag.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet