Tito, Josip Broz (Kumrovec, Croatia, 7. ⅴ 1892 – 4. ⅴ Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1980) – Revolutionary-Communist, politician and statesman. Leader of the National Liberation Anti-Fascist War of Yugoslavia (1941-1945), President of the Federal Yugoslavia, an honorary member of MANU. Before the First World War he was a metal worker. He participated in the First World War and was captured on the front in Russia. In 1920 He returned to Zagreb, where he joined the labor and communist movement. In 1928 He was elected member of the MK of the CPY for Zagreb, and in 1934 a member of the CPY for Croatia, where he was co-operated for a member of the CPY Central CD. In 1937 He appointed him as Secretary General of the CPY. He managed the resistance against fascist forces. As the commander of the Supreme Headquarters of New and Paus in the summer of 1941. He organized the creation of the People’s Liberation Army of Yugoslavia. He won several decisive battles against German and other military forces; He organized the holding of the second session of Awnoj (29-30 November 1943), when he was elected President of the National Committee for the release of Yugoslavia (NCOY). It stood for the creation of national states of the Yugoslav peoples, including the Macedonian people, for Macedonia as a member and constitutive element of the Yugoslav federation. In the capacity of the president of Nkok, in June 1944. Vis received the Macedonian delegation led by Metodija Andonov-Cento, President of the IB for convening ASNOM, talking about the Macedonian question. At 7. ⅲ 1945 He formed a temporary government of DF Yugoslavia in which, at the request of Western allies, representatives of the Royal Government were temporarily included. After the proclamation of the FNRJ (29. ⅺ 1945), he was elected president of the FNRJ government. He had a strong influence in the adoption of the FNRJ’s first constitution (following the example of Soviet), which centralized the government in the Federation. Along with the prime minister, he performed the function of the Secretary General of the CPY and several other functions, established a strong personal power and created a cult of his personality. In the collision with the KPSS and Stalin in 1948, with the help of the Western countries, came out as a winner. Repress was used on the opponents. After the constitutional changes in 1953. He was first elected president of Yugoslavia. In 1961 After his merit in Belgrade, the first conference of non-aligned countries was held, creating the so-called. Movement of unbound countries with the leading role of Yugoslavia. In the period from the sixties, until his death was three times proclaimed a national hero of Yugoslavia. In 1974 He was elected president of the SFRY without limitation of the mandate. He was elected as an honorary member of MANU. He died at the Clinical Center in Ljubljana, and buried was in Belgrade. Lit.: Group authors, Tito and Revolution 1937-1967, Belgrade, 1967; History of the Association of the Communists of Yugoslavia, Skopje, 1985; Mihailo Apostolski, Tito – Strategist of the Revolution of the Peoples and the Nationalities of Yugoslavia, “History”, ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ / 1, Skopje, 1977; Dr. Aleksandar Hristov, Tito U Associate Socialistese Yugoslavia 1942-1977, Belgrade, 1978; Vladimir Dedyer, Attachments for Biography J. B. Tita (more releases); Costa Tsovski, Tito – Technology authorities, Belgrade, 1991. N. C.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТИТО, Јосип Броз