The production of the most important fruits

The production of the most important fruits (1951-2005) Vardar, which receives 12 major tributaries, among which the largest is the r. Year apples, plums, apricots of pears and quench cherries and cherry and peach vineyards foam. Two city nailes have been developed. Step. kg / stem. Stems kg / stem. Il. Step. kg / stem. HG / Penush. Selby: Gostivar and Tetovo. Much of the arable land 1951 628 32 720 22 123 19 10,868 0.5 are under garden crops, 1961 1,283 33 1.021 24 363 25 23.410 1.0 Orchards and cereals. 1971 2,272 33 1,525 19 494 18 25.802 1.6 Lit.: A. Kekic, geology and hydrology of the Polog valley and origin in 1981 3,505 30 1.966 19 960 23 38.759 2.4 Date in the source Rashce, Skopje, 1986; A. 1991 4.381 32 1.109 16 1.319 12 33.773 2.3 Stojmilov, Physical Geography of R. Ma Kedonia, Skopje, 2003. T. And. 2005. Most of the production of agricultural crops serves domestic consumption, and more significant share in exports have garden crops, tobacco, some types of fruits and rice. In the period 1951-2005 Total production in Toni has grown in wheat by 3.6 times, in corn 2.1 times, in sunflower 3.5 times and tobacco 2.2 times. Fruit and viticulture grew faster than farming. AM: Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, State Statistical Office, for the respective years. Lit.: Todor Mirovski, the economy of Vardar Macedonia between the two world wars, MANU, Skopje, 1998; Nikola Uzunov, the economy of the Republic of Macedonia 1945-1990, MANU, Skopje, 2001. D. N.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис Производството на најважните овошја

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