The Bulgarian name in Macedonia – an issue that is created by history and is used by current policy and strategy until today. It appeared in the second half of IX c. With the expansion of the Bulgarian state and the establishment of Bulgarian rule in Macedonia (864), which was held more than one century. Especially in Byzantium, which the Bulgarian state recognized the countries and the title of the Bulgarian ruler Peter ⅰ as “King of Bulgarians”, all subjects of the state were called Bulgarians. The use of Bulgaria and Bulgarians took place after the collapse of the Bulgarian Empire (971). Before the end of ⅹ c., The northwestern areas of the previous Bulgaria were under the government of the medieval state of Can-Roth Samuel. For Byzantium, the new kingdom was the continuation of the recognized collapse Bulgarian Empire. It found a reflection in the Byzantine sources. Jovan Skelitsa and Pop Dukjanan Samuil’s Kingdom was “Bulgaria”, and his subjects were Bulgarians. Emperor Samuel complied with the spirit of time and to highlight his embanian prestige probably supported the tradition of the failed Bulgarian Empire. Therefore, the Byzantine ruler Vasily ⅱ (after 1018) Macedonia, which was the center of Samuil Kingdom, called the topic of Bulgaria, and the territory among the p. Danube and Stara Mountain calls Parstrion. During that period, the Bulgarian ethnic landmark was used only in Macedonia. From the end of ⅻ c., When the Bulgarian Empire was held, which was held until the end of ⅹⅳ c., The Bulgarian name was reaffirmed in Bulgaria. After 1395, when finally failed the medieval Bulgarian Kingdom and Bulgaria, it was found under the government of the Ottoman state, this introduced sole governance name Rumelia (for all its Balkan possessions). The Bulgarian political name was squeezed from use. However, in the title of the Ohrid Archbishopric Bulgarian ethnocular appointment remained and it had an impact in the last development. In the first centuries of Ottoman rule, the incidental use of the Bulgarian name for the Slavs in the diagrade of the Ohrid Archbishopric is tested. The famous Turkish roads Evliya Celebija (ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c.) Writes about Bulgarians and Sarajevo and Belgrade. And the Ohrid Archbishops contributed witnessing for the Bulgarian name in their numerous journeys and other contacts and connections with European ruling dynasties with titulation as Archbishops “and Bulgaria”. Archbishop Athanasius and, for example,, who was the end of the Ohrid Archbishopric throne before the end of ⅹⅴⅰ and at the beginning of ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c., Titled “With God’s mercy of Archbishop of Justiniana First Ohrid, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, Vlach Lithuania, Patriarch of Russia. ” In ⅹⅰⅹ c. And Slavic and Orthodox Russia committed a crucial impact on the imposition of the Bulgarian name in Macedonia. Managed by their own strategic interests in the Balkans, from the position of force Protector of Orthodox in the Ottoman Empire, acted for dismissing the Macedonian and Bulgarian church issue as only and under the Bulgarian name. In 1870, the Sultan act was created Bulgarian Exarchate and $ was given conditional church power and in Macedonia. This was preceded by the engagement of Russian Slavists to gain supporters of Bulgarism in Macedonia. The Macedonian church movement for an independent church with the renewal of the Ohrid Archbishopric and the development of the revival process, the struggle for Macedonian literary language and literature, as well as the present struggle for political liberation and its statehood, was attributed to a Bulgarian character. And the punavistic idea, in accordance with Russia’s political and strategic interests, was transformed into Balkan pubjugism. The ideal founder and propagator was Hilenar monk Paisius from Bansko (ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c.), Inspired by the writing of M. Orbins and J. Raic and some other ancient entries in the Athonian monasteries. After the establishment of the Bulgarian Exarchat, the main legitimate conductor of this process in Macedonia was the Exarch. With legal education in Bulgarian language and Bulgarian books and newspapers, the Bulgarian name in Macedonia has been strengthened and strengthened. After 1878 The Bulgarian principality took over the management and financing of propaganda activity through the Exarchate as a legal Bulgarian church institution in the Ottoman Empire, and later directly through its representative offices – trade agents in Macedonia. Such a role also had all Bulgarian state educational institutions in which the Macedonians were educated, which, due to the familiarity of the language, quickly adopted the Bulgarian literary norm. The declared Bulgarians from Macedonia received positions in Bulgarian national and educational, cultural and scientific institutions, in the army and the state administration, as well as in diplomacy and the government, and zealously exposed the Bulgarian name, representing the acquisition of Macedonia towards Bulgaria . By organizing numerous existential dependent Macedonian emigration and the instrumentalisation of a large part in the implementation of the high-stage policy, the Bulgarian influence has stepped up. The Bulgarian government, the ruler, diplomatic representatives, press, science and publicist systematically impose the Bulgarian name for the Macedonian people in front of the gate and the local authorities of the Ottoman state, as well as in relations with other countries and the European public. They created conviction of the Bulgarian population in Macedonia, “Macedonian Bulgarians” and Macedonia as a Bulgarian country. Because of this, the acquisition of Macedonia, Bulgaria fought in both Balkan and both world wars. In order to gain internationally verified recognition of the Bulgarian name for the Macedonian people, with the legitimacy of claims towards Macedonia, in the Neja Peace Accord (1919) accepted the obligation and signed a Convention with Greece for the exchange of Greek minority in Bulgaria for the “Bulgarian minority” in Greece. For the survival of Bulgaria, the Bulgarized Macedonians managed by the Supreme Macedonian Committee in Sofia (1895), the Union of Bulgarian Constitutional Clubs (1908-1909) and the Solution of Todor Aleksandrov (1911- 1918), and after the First World War The Executive Committee of the Macedonian fraternities and VMRO, under the leadership of Todor Aleksandrov and Ivan Mihailov, while after 1989. That role is played by VMRO-SMD in Bulgaria. On this plan, the compromise and nationally undefined platform of TMORO / VMORO in the Ilinden period was essential, noting the political program for autonomy of Macedonia. From this basic position, all these factors were performed before the international instances of peacekeeping and other international conferences. In the Pirin part of Macedonia in the period after 1912, as a matter of fact, in other parts of Macedonia, the Bulgarian name was legally imposed by the bodies of the Bulgarian government, from the Bulgarian Church, from educational and cultural institutions and the press. The denationalization and acceptance of the Bulgarian name received particularly broad scale in the Macedonian emigration in Bulgaria. Before the end of 1944, after the state overwhelming in Bulgaria, the state leadership recognized the Macedonian National State (in Federal Yugoslavia), and affirmation of the Macedonian national name, language, history, literature and culture in the Pirin part of Macedonia was enabled. But after the IB resolution of the CPY (1948), the Bulgarian state leadership returned to the old positions of non-recognition of the Macedonian people, declared that the Macedonian nation in the HR / S Macedonia was created on an anti-bibutar basis, Bulgaria, nor a Macedonian national minority in the Pirin part of Macedonia. The Republic of Bulgaria and after the abandonment of the totalitarian regime and the proclamation of the democratic parliamentary system (1989) remained in the same position. In the Bulgarian National Doctrine (1997 and 1998), the entire Macedonian people is presented as “Bulgarian population”, and Macedonians wherever the world like – Bulgarians. LIT. Milan Boskoski, Names Macedonia and Macedonians in medieval sources, Skopje, 2003; P. Kolvaarov, the name Makedonija in the historian Geography, Sofia, 1985; The Bulgarian Distance Price Them, 1, Sofia, 1982; Blaze Ristovski, History of the Macedonian Nation, Skopje, 1999; Blaze Koneski, Macedonian ⅹⅰⅹ century. Language and literary historical articles, Skopje, 1986. M. Min. Anton Semyonovic Buddg
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet