Tenth Plenum of GRP (K) (Sofia, 9-10. Ⅷ 1946) – Extended Plenum of BCP held under the leadership of Georgi Dimitrov on which a resolution was adopted on the Macedonian question. The plenum Dimitrov said that there were no three, but one Macedonian people, which as a special people need to unite in the FNRJ. For starters to introduce cultural autonomy in the Pirin part of Macedonia by opening Macedonian schools, introducing Macedonian language and history in teaching and cultural cooperation with the PR Macedonia. After the resolution were open: Macedonian National Theater, Macedonian bookstore and the Macedonian press was spread. But after the resolution of the IB (1948), cultural autonomy was abolished. Lit.: BCP, ComITIN “T and Makedonski C” Pros, ⅱ, Sofia, 1999; Historical truth, Skopje, 1981. O. Iv.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet