Stibera (Stripberra), s. Chepigovo – ancient city, whose remains lie at 16 km. west of Prilep, above the estuary of the Blato River in Crna Reka (Erigon). For the city of the oldest, the data of Polybij, and more detailed data for it give. Livi and Strabon, who says that Stibera lies on the Erigon River and belongs to the demopes. The old herineria is learned that Stibera lies on PA-TOT Stobi – Heraclea. In the tabula, the Post Chapter station is omitted, however, in the geographer Ravenitzki, she was noticed as a pleura after this turret & Strajberra, p. Chepigovo, from the discovery of the gymnasium (1957) order: Heista, Charamius, Painted, Heraclea. With archaeological research on the hide “turret”, parts of the city turret, the temple of the boggask, and parts of the gymnasion complex were discovered. The city turret, whose remains were discovered in the northern and western part of the hill, is walled by a crushed local stone in dry, with Shir. 3.00 m. The Temple of the Boght Tahhy – Protector of the city is with dimensions 10 × 10 m solidly highlighted with massive walls of crushed stone, brick and lime plaster. It has a central semicircular niche in eastern and side niches in the southern and north wall, featuring donodive inscriptions. In the temple, portrait busts of Oreste and a philocene – father and son, deserving citizens of the city and cult sculpture of the god bachus-child. The inscription in the central niche is talking about Ob-New Temple in ⅱ c. . is. with funds donated by Antestic Fuska. The complex Gymnasion is explored the objects: peristyl with the atrium, semicircular Excade, heron and a test, which occupy space OK. 1000 m 2. In the objects of hero and a thorough, which on the east side lie on the remains of the wall, the largest number of marble monuments with inscriptions and cult and portrait marble plastics were discovered. The stiber found 28 monuments with inscriptions with names of effects, names of gods and donors and 27 statues of cult and portrait plastic. From the cult marble plastic, statues of the gods Asklepiah, Hermes and Bahkus were discovered, and portrait – statues of women of the type of Herkanski, men – Koseti, tors of effects, an emperor and one statue of the Macedonian citizen of Stibera. The marble plastic belongs to the early Rome period. From the movable archaeological material, the findings of fragments of ceramic vessels from the Hellenic and early Roman period are most common. The city of Storya experienced his flourishing in ⅱ c. AD His beginnings are in ⅳ c. BC, and life in it extinguished in the second half of ⅲ c. AD Lit.: N. Vulie, “Monument San”, JWVII, Belgrade, 1941-1948, 184-189; D. Vuchkovi-Todori, Strain – Antique Pity of Chopigawe in Livestainas Prilep, “Arzhaeologia IUGOSLAJ”, ⅳ, Belgrade, 1963, 59-101; L. Kepeska – K. Kepeski, research of the sector “c” Stibera, “Macus. Acta Arzhaeol. “, 11, Skopje, 1990, 161-170. K. CEP.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТИБЕРА