South Slavic languages

South Slavic languages. From the very beginnings of Slavistics as a scientific discipline (ie from the end of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c.), The conventional division of the Slavic language of three groups is accepted: Western, East and South. Southern Slavs, i.e. The holders of the South Slavic languages ​​in the V- c. AD They descended south of the primequin and settled on the Balkan Peninsula. The continuum of Slavic language territory in ⅹ c. They busted the Hungarians, and then the consolidation of the Romanian population north of the Danube. However, today numerous language links between the Slavic south and north are noticeable, i.e. Among the Slovenian and Czech dialects, as well as between Serbian and Slovak and / or Ukrainian dialects. Numerous are Slavic Latering, both in Hungarian and in (Dako) Romanian language. South Slavic language territory over the centuries decreased as a result of the Greek expansion in the south, Albanian to the southwest, as well as the Italian and the Austrian to the northwest. Already during the period of separation from the wider prelanque language community, South Slavic dialects were not uniform, so it can not be discussed for a common system of developmental period or praunavic language code. Today, South Slavic Language Territory is a language continuum that can easily separate the innovation cores of certain dialecting complexes (dialect diasystems), but can hardly determine unique borders among these complexes. The ethnic consciousness of the Slavic inhabitants of the Balkans and their turbulent political history of the South Slavic territory led to the formation of 6 different standard languages. Going from the east to west, these are: Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Bosniak, Croatian and Slovenian language. They are all relatively late standardized, in the period from the first half of ⅹⅰⅹ to the first half of ⅹⅹ c., So in all South Slavic environments, to this day, discuss discussions about some aspects of the standard language norm. Prior to standardization, such as written languages ​​in the Western (Catholic) part of the Balkans, local regional overdivided codes and / or the Latin and modern Western European languages ​​- German or Italian, while in the eastern (Orthodox) part, the function of the writing was performed by various local editions. of the old-checklavic language. From the presumed joint ancestor of all Slovenic languages, the so-called Pragovant, over time, the Bulgarian and Macedonian language and part of the dialects in the Serbian language, who experienced serious restructuralization under the influence of non-Slavic Balkan languages ​​(Balkan linguistic community). Lit.: S. IVSic, Slavic Garden Grammar, Zagreb, 1970; R. Nahtigal, Slovanian Jesiki, Lyubljanna, 1952; Z. Vieber, Zarsh of the Greensy Portnnzhej J & ZSKNA Szonjiavcch, NAAs, 1989; A. Waillance, Grammair Tsparée Des Langoes Slaves, LSon-Paris, 1950-1957. Z. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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