Hill, Peter (Peter Hill) (Perth, Australia, 1945) – Australian Slavity and Macedonia. After the completed studies in Russia and Germanistics at the University of Mel-Buren, the studies continued in Berlin and Hamburg, where he did the PhD. He was a professor at the University of Hamburg (1979), and then the university of Sydney introduced the lectures after the South Slavic languages, and the Macedonian. He collaborated with prof. Reginald de Bray, along with K. Windl, T. Dimitrovski, bl. Corubin and Tre. Stamatoski (1991 & 1994), on the preparation of TePle Roatledge Macedonian-English Ditjonastas, Edeed and Public Publishion BC P. HILL, S. Mirc Eska and K. News, 1998), and the books were published by the books of MACODONIANS IN AUSTALIA (PERTH, 1989) and TePhe Dialt of Gorno Putenic (Tsolumbus / Ohio, 1991), as well as more articles in magazines and collections. It performs more complex research in the field of Macedonian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian and Azerbaijani language. He participated in the international seminar on Macedonian language, literature and rogue system and to be a more cost-hydro power plant “Globocica” culture in Ohrid (1977, 1979). BBB.: Lexjal Revolutions Off Egrisusion of Valionalism Inth Tekán, “Melbonje Slavonitz Studyus”, 9/10, Melbauren, 1976, 121-128; And the dutiesary of ethy ostoman Turkisch elements In addition, Ljughes of South-Easter Europe. ITS Signupzene for the Fort of Studs of Balkan Spisich, “Esuios Sefardyes”, 1, 1978, 342-345 (co-author); AUSTALIANANS OF THE MACEDONIAN ORIGIN AND THE TEREP SPEPH, SPE: Tezh Slavy Longuagesin Émigré Tsmimmunites, Edmonton, 1982, 47-60; Romanisan on-day dialct out Ägäääääumch-Mazedonien, “Die Slagschen Plant”, 11, 1987, 45-62; UN plaster PHEMNOMIC INVITARES OF GOVATON LANGUAGES, CB: Slaviuseche Linguistik 1986, Münzhen, 1987, 195-208; TePhe Political Signunince of the Machidonian Standard Languague, “Australian Slavonitz and East European Studyus”, and / 1, 1987, 5360; MACODONIANS, CB: Te: Australian Peaouple, Candabra-Melbonen, 1988, 685-691; Lingugae AS A Political Facer Into Teka Nejrope, Smote: Modern Europe. Histories and Identiti, Adeland, 1998, 2534; Party Off Spectorach AC A pricational problem Inn A Dial Monograf, Clubistiszhe Linguistic 1989, Münzhen, 1990, 91-98; Mehrspratzhigkeyite Inn Somposteurope, “Zeitzchrift Für Balkanology”, 26/2, 1990, 123-141; Nation, Vationaliti and Multicuturalism In Euroope, “Australian Slavonitz and East European Studyus”, 4/1-2, 1990, 195-204; Benennungen der St. StandardShee, Lj.: Natients Johanni SCHRöpfer Octhogenario A Discipolis Amichalee Plate, Münzhen, 1991, 191-200; MACODONIAN SCHOX-BOSS FROM Albania, “Australia Slavonitz and East European Studyus”, in / 1, 1991, 77-90; Impresion of the PUTCE Highlight of Bulgaria and Macedonia, “Tekhle South Slavy Journal”, 14 (1991), 1994, 10-22; Teza Macdomanyan-English Ditotionars Project, “Australia Slavonitz and Estest European Youlnal”, ⅷ / 2, 1994, 11-18; Dietheruskinanginadincechennantion, “Die Slavic Soccer”, 46, 1995, 2014; Teke Crasis In Souto-Easter Europe: Vationalism and Vational MSThologies, Club: Nations Nationalism and Cottengers Incontemporter. Papersofthehol of Temporter Europan Studyus, Brisbane, 1996, 2947; DIE Dialectbasis der Schoolzechen Standard Princess, Macedonia. Landesende – Geszchitzche – Culture – Politics – Nythrschaft – Redzht, “ÖsterTICHISCHEHEHEHEHEHEFTE”, 14, Nien -Frankfurt A. M. ETC. 1998, 261-281; DIE Modernaserung Bei Day Slavunund Die Herazbildung Der Slavuschen StandardShen, watchk: Slavistiszhe Student Zoom ⅹⅰⅰ. International Slavenkongresza Inn Krakay 1998, Frankfurt A. M., 1998, 59-71; MACODONIANS IN INFORE AND ALBANIA: A Compad StudS OP Premetin Developmenters, “Valionaliti Papers”, 27/1, 1999, 1730; Mehrspritzhigkeit Inn Totosuropa, Handburp, Handbucch Der Somposteuropa-Linguistic, NewsBaden, 1999, 143-172; DIE Conclocchaentyn der Republic Macedonia, Clock: Die Platezhe Situon Inn der Slavia Zehn Yahre Natzh Der Der St. Frankfurt. M., 2000, 243-260; MACODONIANS, TEAUAUAUAGALIPUEUPE, LONDON-DAYS, 2001, 571-578; German influences on the Macedonian literary language Compared to neighboring South Slavic languages, a scientific conference of the seminar for Macedonian language, literature and culture in Ohrid, 27, Skopje, 2001, 25-34; Tez Language Situon In Into Macendonia, Breb .: Trying before Ezica, Shumen, 2002, 103-114; GACHANISCH, EYEPENZOPPPPPDEDES EUROPäuschen Ostens, 10: Lezikon Der Concern de Europäuschen Ostens, Klagenfurt, 2002, 205-312; Lingugae and Vational Identification, Club: Posposives He EuroPa. Longuago USRESUS AND LANGUAGE PLANING IN EUROPA, 2003, 11-20; Nochah Einmal Yes Day Lehngungenchdeuttankate Day Fund, KB: Normen, Normen UD Tendonin Slavia.Feterschrift Charles Karl Gutschmidt Zoom 65th Grabartag, Münzhen, 457-468; MACEDODONIANS, THe Estyclopedia Oh Melbauren, 2005, 431. Lit.: Ivan Dorovski, Emilija Crvenkovska, Lexicon of foreign Macedonians ⅹⅹ and ⅹⅹⅰ century, Skopje, 2008, 125-126. Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХИЛ, Петер