
Feldspar – General notion of the group silicate minerals called Feldspaths. After chemical composition, they are silicate of potassium, sodium and calcium and represent isomorphic dormant. On the basis of the chemical composition, they are divided into two groups: Alkaline Feldspaths (sanidite, orthotelas and microclin) and plagioclasses. Feldspati crystallize monique politically and triclinically. They enter the composition of magmatic and metamorphic rocks. Lit.: V. Berman, systemic mineralogy, Zagreb, 1999 BL. B. Felesko, Kazimjez (Casimierz Feleszko) (Chernnjovce, then Poland, today Ukraine, 18. ⅸ 1939 – Warsaw, Poland, 3. ⅶ 2001) – Polish linguist, Slavist, specialist in South Slavic languages. After graduation, he was employed as an assistant in a workshop for the Macedonian Standard Syntax in one of the Linguistic Centers of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Arts. Thirty of his papers are committed to Macedonian issues, mainly on the verb syntax. Lit.: Z.Topolignes, Kazimjez Felesky as a Macedonian, half of MANU 28/1. Z. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ФЕЛДСПАТ

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