Social property in the DFM / NRM / RM – socio-economic relationship between people in the production and construction of the newly created value. It is introduced by the Law on Workers’ Self-Government of 1950. And there is a ruling attitude until the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia since 1991. Social ownership is a process of generating the means of production, with the participation of the immediate manufacturers themselves in that process. It is a form of demonolization of the economic and political power of state bodies, through the development of workers’ self-management in factories. Social property included: All means of production (except for land and funds served for personal labor of citizens); All funds in enterprises, state bodies and other organizations; All ore and other natural treasures in society. She was the basis of which labor self-management was developed (1950- 1990). The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia since 1991 does not know social property. Left in legal vacuum, social property remained without legal protection. This vacuum had a negative reflection on the effects of social property privatization and its state-owned transformation (1991-2006). Lit.: Trajko Slavevski, privatization, market, state, Skopje, 1997; Svetomir Karic, Macedonia on all continents, Skopje, 2000. St. w.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet