Skopska valley – stretches in the northern part of the Vardar Valley, completely in the Vardar tectonic zone. It is a deep and lowered sunset along the scattered lines. It is enclosed from all sides with a high mountain framework: Skopska Crna Gora in the north, the West of the West and the Jakupica massifier (wet) in the south. Only to the east is a little lower building mountain (861 m). The Polog valley is connected through the Derven gorge and the mergain valley – Tetovo Suuboelica; With the Veles Valley through the Taor Gorge, with the Kumanovo valley through the Romanian overvaluation, and through the Kackinika Gorge of Pchinja with Kosovo. It covers an area of 1,924 km² and rises from 225 m, as the lowest point in the valley, up to 2,540 m as the highest point. The flat part or bottom of the valley covers an area of 26.100 ha and is located at PN.V. of 300 m. With the mountain Vodno it is divided into two parts: Skopsko Field in the north with the direction of flowing the SZ-Yi and the basin of Markova Reka to the south with the direction of the East-West Stream. The Skopje valley was formed with the tectonic movements in the neogen-eal, and in myocene with additional tectonic movements it is crushed to disseminate, and then modeled with the action of exogenous processes. The valley is filled with eocene, myocal, pliocene and quarten sediments that in some places have a thickness of more than 1,600 m. The boiler existed Skopje Lake, which the highest level was 900 m, and then rhythmically descended leaving traces in the form of abrasion terraces. In the valley, two climatic types collide: Continental from the north and Mediterranean from the south, to which the climate impacts of the mountains are connected. The valley is developed a dense hydrographic network, where the river Vardar, with its tributaries fever, Lepenec and Pchinja, is the main drain artery. Versatile soils and other natural factors allow for breeding intensive crops, primarily industrial plants, cereals, etc. In the valley, the largest city settlement Skopje developed. Lit.: P. Johnova, Relief Skopje Cotline. GSD, REC. 10, Skopje, 1931; A. Stojmilov, Physical Geography of R. Macedonia, Skopje, 2003. T. And. The boundaries of the Skopje Diocese
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