
Self-management – a special social system, realized in a certain period in SFR Yugoslavia. The idea of ​​self-management is attributed to the socials, and for the first time it was realized in the time of the Paris Commune in France (ⅹⅰⅹ c.). The idea of ​​self-management and worker control was initiated in the Soviet Union, at the time of the NEP (New Economic Policy), but did not receive more significant practical realization. After the Second World War, the self-management was established and developed as an official social system in the SFRY, more precisely in the period 1950-1990. A certain kind of self-management is the participation, with workers participating through their representatives in the management of enterprises. Initially, self-management in the SFRY, which was also our country, developed as labor self-management in enterprises, and then grew into a concept of social self-management and expanded in various spheres of social life. The self-management was introduced with a special law (26. ⅵ 1950). Later it became the subject of regulation in the Constitution of the SFRY (1953, 1963 and 1974). According to the Constitution and laws, the self-governing system had the following basic characteristics: social ownership of the means of production, self-governing social relations (self-management in enterprises and society), the independence of enterprises, deetatization, decentralization, combination of plan and market, self-determination income distribution, Participation of citizens in the socio-political life (delegate system), etc. The self-management was realized directly (through a gathering of working people, a referendum and through other forms of immediate pleading) and indirectly (through representatives in workers’ councils, in self-assembled labor control and other management bodies). At the time of the self-minding, there was separation of administrative and managerial functions in enterprises and society. The self-governing social system was subinguished on numerous changes and improvements in the direction of strengthening the market orientation of economic entities and the development of democratic relations, liberalization of prices and economic relations with abroad, increasing productivity and efficiency of management, etc. However, the expected results were missing. Therefore, frequent reforms were made for the purpose of improving the system (“reform reform”). Defective changes were taken in 1965. With the famous economic reform, after the 1970s, with the constitution of the association of associated labor and in the 1980s, efforts for economic stabilization of the country and reform the social system. With the constitution of the independent RM (1991), the self-governing social system is left and a new social system was established, based on the market economy and parliamentary democracy. Exhibition: Constitution of SFRY and appropriate laws. Lit.: Nikola Uzunov, etc., Applied Economics, Skopje, 2003. M. S.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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