Seleka Planina – Maleska Mountain stretching between Pelagonia Village to West and Mariovo in the east. The measurement has a meridian stretching direction, and starts from the construction scale in the north and ends in the south in the valley of Crna Reka. The highest peak in the north is high (1,471 m), and in southern Jule (1,434 m). Through the construction scale, the northern part of the Pelagonija – the Prilep field is associated with Mariovo, and through the preference too close (936 m), Mariovo is connected to the Bitola field. The geological composition is presented with Precambrian Gneyses, Mikashists, Granioridi and Quartzites. Such geological composition and vegetation of vegetation allowed this mountain to take an intensive process of mechanical breakdown of the rocks, which allowed the construction of a pronounced denudation relief represented by various forms that are quite interesting and impressive. T. And. Sultan Selim I.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СЕЛЕЧКА ПЛАНИНА