Public holidays of the DFM / NRM / SRM / RM. – non-working festive days under the Law on Public Holidays, which marks and celebrates the anniversary of a religious or secular event of the general or national history. In the DFM / NRM / SRM, public holidays of the DFJ / FNRJ / SFRY were celebrated, and as National Holidays August 2 and 11 October. According to the adopted Law on the holidays of the Republic of Macedonia (23. ⅹ 2007), state and religious holidays were declared a total of 27 dates. State holidays are: 24 May – St. Cyril and Methodius – Day of the Slavic Enlighteners, October 23 – Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle; December 8 – St. Kliment Ohridski, August 2 – Ilinden, September 8 – Independence Day and October 11 – day of the uprising. Holidays of Macedonia are: New Year, May 1, Easter, Christmas and Ramadan-Bajram as non-working for all citizens. For Orthodox Christians, non-working days are: January 6 – Christmadder, January 19 – Epiphany, Format, Spirit, and 28 Austrian – Greater Virgin. For Catholics non-working days are: Christmas, Easter and the feast of all saints (according to the Gregorian calendar). For believers from the Muslim religion, the first day of Kurban-Bajram, and for the members of the Albanian community and November 22 – day of the Albanian alphabet, for the Jews, the first day of Yom Kippur, for Serbs January 27 – St. Sava, and others Communities and April 8 – International Roma Day, September 28 – International Bosniaks Day, December 21 – Day of Turkish language and 23 May – National Day of Vlachs. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet